Best time to move the eggs to nursery tank


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My clowns laid eggs the 4th time since April, the total eggs counts of 3 previous batches down from 2-300 to only 40-50 left on the 9th day. So, this time I am think about taking the rock out on the 5th day and use airstone gentally run through them instead of leting daddy care for them in order to prevent the eggs been eaten. My questions is that will it be any ill effect by taking eggs out too early (5th day vs 9th or tenth day). Thanks for any adivece.
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I collected my eggs for my clowns twice and only about 30 hatched out. It found to have a bigger survival rate just leaving mine in the tank.
Don't remove the eggs until the night they will hatch. The male will tend them better than an airstone.
JC_k;958226 wrote: I collected my eggs for my clowns twice and only about 30 hatched out. It found to have a bigger survival rate just leaving mine in the tank.
Left-half of my 75 have 3 anemones, if I leave the eggs in the tank and let them hatch naturally,
Will the larvas runing into the nems and eaten by them ? As I know larvas can't see very well the first couple days ?
jamescook;958233 wrote: Don't remove the eggs until the night they will hatch. The male will tend them better than an airstone.

You mean move the rock out of DT the hatching night or let them hatch in DT and scoop the babies out ?
I turn off ALL pumps. Then I shine a flashlight in the top of the tank and scoop then out with a container. They are really attracted to light.
JC_k;958251 wrote: I turn off ALL pumps. Then I shine a flashlight in the top of the tank and scoop then out with a container. They are really attracted to light.

You can do that or catch them with a Larvae Catcher.
If you can get them to lay on a tile then you can take them out the night they are going to hatch. And as far as the fry running into the anemones, well I've never really thought about that. I only have one Anemone. But the anemone in my tank touches the eggs so you would think they would be fine.
If you can take the eggs out with the object they are attached to - take them out just before the night they hatch (what James said). I've had the best success that way.

However, if you can't remove the eggs based on where they laid them (been then a lot). Scoop them out with a bowl into their rearing tank. Don't worry at all about the anemones with this method. Just turn off your pumps before they hatch - that's something to worry about if left on.