Cardinal breeding


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Our Bagghi Cardinal is carrying eggs, anyone bred them before?
I had two cardinals that bred. I had success by removing the fry from the main tank (they will get eaten if not) and feeding live brine shrimp. So the biggest key is to have a separate tank ready and live brine shrimp ready. It's a lot of fun to watch though. Good luck.
I had two cardinals that bred. I had success by removing the fry from the main tank (they will get eaten if not) and feeding live brine shrimp. So the biggest key is to have a separate tank ready and live brine shrimp ready. It's a lot of fun to watch though. Good luck.
Thanks! We have a cycled tank ready but he hasn’t spit them out yet. Probably going to try and catch him tonight and put them in that tank. We have brine shrimp eggs so we are good to go on that end.
Update: he spit 5 out, out of those 5-3 were under developed 2 are fighting. The male still has a huge mouth so he will stay in the fry tank for now.
Day 2 report: Male spit out what appears to be a strand of egg casings and still has a huge mouth. Our 2 survivors are still wiggling around; one is up right the other is smaller and still lays on his side. Both still have egg sacs attached but will start hatching baby brine to try and feed. Picture of the male and up right fry below. 7FBBADF0-6F6D-4EDD-BEF8-3AE6097DF69A.jpeg02D2DF37-BFE0-44CC-BB08-401C71BAED56.jpeg
Day 3: Male is still holding onto eggs/fry
Fry 1: still swimming and found a comfortable spot in one of the small pvc pipe in the fry tank.
Fry 2: still laying on his side but wiggling around. He still has a huge egg sac attached compared to Fry 1 so I’m going to let him keep fighting.
Did put live baby brine in this morning Fry 1 seemed interested but unsure if it ate any.
Day 4: Males mouth still huge no change there
Fry #3 made their appearance yesterday afternoon and is much more developed then 1&2
Fry#1 still wiggling around but has uprighted its self several times and is starting to look more developed.
All 3 fry have been seen going after baby brine shrimp. I started feeding small amounts 3 times a day.
Photo below is Fry #3
Day 5: Fry #1 is wiggling around in a more upright position
Fry 1, 2 and 3 are all eating live baby brine in small portions 3 times a day
Male still won’t let fry go 🙄 he’s on day 26 from the first day we noticed he was carrying eggs
Day 6: Fry #1 is now swimming but swimming like a toddler learning to walk lol
Fry # 4,5 and 6 made their appearance overnight
Male still has a huge mouth I’m starting to see his body condition deteriorate since we are now going on day 27 of holding eggs.
When do you think these little guys will be ready to be sold
I have no idea. This is our first batch so we will take our time with them and once we feel they are big enough we will start finding them homes. They are just barely pea size right now.
Well it’s after midnight so I guess I can post Day 7: Male as spit everyone out pictures in the morning but Fry 7 through approximately…. Are you ready for it?…… I don’t think you are! Fry 7 through…50 have arrived 😳😳😳 😱😱
Wow! 50! No wonder why his mouth was so big. Is there a list for when they get old enough to sell?

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Wow! 50! No wonder why his mouth was so big. Is there a list for when they get old enough to sell?

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Yeah!! I thought he only had 2 left so we moved him to the observation tank. Well I checked on him before leaving to pick up our son from his band competition and saw the sea of fry. There’s still some among the rock and pipes so I’ll gather them in the morning.
I don’t have a list yet; I’ll probably do that when we feel they are getting close to being sold.
As promised here’s the sea of Cardinal fry! Basically impossible for me to count them now but still around 50. I gathered up the remaining 7 in the observation tank this morning and I can’t even spot Fry #1 now. Now to go buy a second brine shrimp Hatcher to feed all these little mouths. For reference that’s 1/2inch pvc pipe in the fry tank.