Do fry need parents?


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I haven't done this before so sorry in advance for the silly questions. My platinums have been laying eggs, and this morning I saw something in the host site. Not 100% sure yet as I was in a hurry to get to work, but it looked like a batch had hatched.

So here is my question. If I removed the fry would it be able to survive on it's own in a separate setup? How involved would this be? How much would it cost to get a set up for the fry going.

As of now parents are not for sale.

Free chromis to whomever can catch him, cause if I get my hands on it it's anenome food.
They don't need parents but they need a lot of specialized care that is easy to learn, tough to implement if you aren't there regularly.

I'd suggest yoiu get a copy of Joyce Wilkerson's book on clownfish. If you don't want to buy it I have a copy you can borrow. Here is a link to my breeding thread if you want to read how I went about it. There are several others as well from jamescook, bobz and jjocean.

I still don't think you have eggs. They are probably cleaning and prepping and maybe laying. But unless they (eggs) have been there developing from bright orange to silver eyes for 8 days, they are not hatching. Most pairs eat the eggs the first day or two for several cycles.
Lol. This is for the what if situations. I am hoping for the best. So I am trying to plan according since I would love to breed this specific type of clowns.
I do this full-time now. You should come by and I'll give you the crash-course. It can be done on a small- scale, but you still need plankton to feed the larvae. After 2 weeks you are just feeding little fish and CLEANING :)
go for it bud... its a rewarding experience. Im sure everyone will chip in some pointers along the way. James is right, its a full time job,,lots of time and dedication..