
  1. GammaYankee

    Sad bubble tip anemone?

    I have this bubble tip anemone for two months. It stayed at the spot I picked for him for more than a month. Last week, it started to move and looked unhappy. This morning, I saw its tip retracted and it just looks sad. Water parameters are pretty okay I guess. I use the Red Sea test...
  2. CrisisReef

    BTA won’t let go

    Hey! I’ve got a BTA that has never shown any signs of poor health. Recently he up and moved to a spot in my tank I don’t like. In order to remove him I have the rock suspended over a bucket with its tips still touching water. He’s probably been like this for an hour now. I was wondering how long...
  3. A

    Happy Thanksgiving - We start the BF Fun Now - Pods - Only $.99

    Happy Thanksgiving - We start the BF Fun Now - Pods - Only $.99 Sweet Deals - Copepods for Sale - Only $.99 for 250 Pods Plus New Corals & Bright Rock Anemones + 50% Off Your Choice! Check Out this Cool Decorator Crab Video