new build

  1. CrisisReef

    Berlin method effectiveness

    Hello everyone I’m working on starting a 75g coral farm style tank. Mostly egg rate with coral on top and live rock for filtration underneath. The tank has no sump and thus is limited in filtration methods. I was planning on a simple HoB style filter but they are just so freaking loud in my...
  2. F

    New tank on the way

    Hi all I never used a form or anything before so please don't judge me lol. But I am so happy to announce that I am going to start my first reef tank. It's going to be a 25g lagoon. I have been wanting a reef tank since I was in high school so this is very exciting for me. I hope you guys can...
  3. hankhill31

    Hanks 300

    Everyone knows and the cat is out the bag. I’m in the process of putting together a true dream tank I got a 300 gallon metal frame 3/4inch glass reef ready tank I shut down my acrylic tank 220g (holding just in case ) this time I’m gonna keep you guys posted on the new build as I put things...