
  1. PJs_Bucket_List

    Testing 1, 2, 3...

    For a new reef tank set-up, what parameters do you test for? How often do you test? Which are the most important? Any tips on how to keep track of my parameters over time?
  2. Sun1914

    Trident Readings

    Pulled the trigger and purchased a Trident yesterday. The initial reading came back Alk 8.7 Cal 405 Mag 1080 Which I was surprised by since my Mag is usually high (testing with Red Sea Kit) but i know manual kits can be funny at times. The next reading a few hours later came back Alk 8.7 Cal...
  3. lmm1967

    Testing - Photometer?

    Anyone had or have any experience with Sensafe? I would love to have 1 "platform" for testing and taking my (in)ability to determine colors sometimes out of the mix by using a photometer testing device is appealing. And the price point on these isn't too bad. I calculated 2 year total operating...