1.31.23 BOD Meeting Minutes


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ARC Meeting started 7:30PM 1/31/23

Attendees: Justin Cook, Brian Cook, David Foster, Adam Nitschke, Bill Musselwhite, Doug Lockett, Don Brown

Brett Raymer meeting – The date is still up in the air due to scheduling.

March 4th – Frag Swap – Confirmed – Adam to verify that Glenn can make it. We will demo how to frag corals and free frags will be available for supporting members. The church has been reserved as a backup to Shindell’s.

Premier Aquatics – October 28th – BBQ – Jacob would like ARC to have a booth there – AAAA Atlanta Area Aquarium association will participate as well. More details to follow.

Bridgett has transitioned into the new Treasurer role with account access and training, Adam is supporting her as needed.

Insurance packet has been received and payment due March 24th. Insurance covers liability for group events.

Gmail account – We need to pare back the account to minimize the cost. No longer free. – Tabled until next month.

Trustee discussion: There are still two spots to fill. Justin to follow up. Members interested should contact Justin.

Discussion held on holding official scheduled public virtual meetings open to all. We will announce a date at the March 4th meeting.

We will downscale the storage unit to save cost as the fees have increased. David to investigate reducing the size of the unit. Fees are currently $120 a month.

Email Blasts – We will be using this feature of the website to enable communication for members that are not on the forums as frequently. Justin to write a short President’s message for this email. Brian to send when ready.

Newsletter discussion – Positive feedback on the idea so far. Potential to link to product reviews on the forums, how to’s, etc….

We need a ban saw or two for the frag swap.

Next board meeting Feb 21st 7:30PM.