$1/g Aqueon tanks... are they?


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Tyrone, GA
I'm specifically looking at the 55 and the 75g tanks they sell as a component of my sump.

<span style="font-size: 14px;">Are they made using tempered glass??</span></em>

I don't care about the bottom as I want to drill the long side.

Anyone know?

FWIW. I spent a good bit of time looking into this. I cannot find anything official one way or the other and Aqueon (parent Co) hasn't returned a message as of yet.
It's mixed. There is no promised standard by the manufacturer with these tanks.

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There is a chart out there somewhere that has a breakdown.... I 'll see if i can find it after dinner and I get the kids to bed.
Lmm1967;1104851 wrote: It's mixed. There is no promised standard by the manufacturer with these tanks.

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That is what I feared. Bugger. I guess I can try the polarized light trick.
wade;1104845 wrote: I'm specifically looking at the 55 and the 75g tanks they sell as a component of my sump.

<span style="font-size: 14px">Are they made using tempered glass??</span></em>

I don't care about the bottom as I want to drill the long side.

Anyone know?


I can confirm that Aqueon does not temper the sides of any of their aquariums. Only the bottoms on certain ones depending on the foot print and width of glass.

Here is the link to the chart Ben mentioned...

But it only indicates whether the bottom pane is tempered or not since they do not temper the sides at all.
aXio;1104859 wrote: I can confirm that Aqueon does not temper the sides of any of their aquariums. Only the bottoms on certain ones depending on the foot print and width of glass.

Here is the link to the chart Ben mentioned...

But it only indicates whether the bottom pane is tempered or not since they do not temper the sides at all.[/QUOTE]

Are you sure that they do not temper any of the sides? I remember people shattering sides of some of the smaller tanks trying to drill them. I seem to remember 10 and 55 gal was all tempered. Maybe that was Perfecto in the day....
Lmm1967;1104851 wrote: It's mixed. There is no promised standard by the manufacturer with these tanks.

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I would have to disagree with this. These manufacturers do have standards on tempering. Especially the major ones like Aqueon and Marineland. They always make the aquariums the same way.

Now with that said these manufacturers are always a bit reluctant to give direct answers on things like to the actual consumer... for various reason but some of the obvious ones being that drilling any of these aquariums will immediately void warranty and they just don't want to deal with customers blaming them got the glass cracking during drilling or at a later date.
Schwaggs;1104860 wrote: Are you sure that they do not temper any of the sides? I remember people shattering sides of some of the smaller tanks trying to drill them. I seem to remember 10 and 55 gal was all tempered. Maybe that was Perfecto in the day....

Yes I'm sure on that. But drilling a 10 - 55 gallon is VERY hard. They use very thin glass on sizes 55 and below. There was a thread on here a couple of months ago with some one asking about drilling a 10 gallon. I believe he cracked it the first time around. Everyone responses were that drilling a tank that small is very hit or miss. You have be extremely slow with very minimal pressure.

Also I have never confirmed tempered glass for Marineland/Perfecto tanks as I don't stock that brand very often at my store.
Aqueon Glass Aquariums Tempered vs. Non Tempered
Due to glass availability, Central Aquatics may temporarily substitute regular or non-tempered glass panels with tempered glass panels. Anytime a glass substitution is made, a sticker will be adhered to the aquarium bottom as a precaution to the end user.

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Lmm1967;1104873 wrote: Aqueon Glass Aquariums Tempered vs. Non Tempered
Due to glass availability, Central Aquatics may temporarily substitute regular or non-tempered glass panels with tempered glass panels. Anytime a glass substitution is made, a sticker will be adhered to the aquarium bottom as a precaution to the end user.

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Interesting... I never seen that before. I'm just going off what my sales reps and anyone I have ever spoke with at Central have always told me. Where did you find that information? I want to ask my sales rep about it. And are you sure that is not referring to the bottom pane of glass only?

And for what it's worth I have sold hundreds of Aqueon tanks over the last 6 years an never have I seen a tempered sticker on a side pane of glass.
On their website.


My worry with the Petco dollar tanks is that I'm guessing you are buying from a separate stock or batch than the dollar tanks are coming from. If that is true your tank consistency and quality may be higher than the stacks of tanks at Petco.

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Lmm1967;1104879 wrote: On their website.


My worry with the Petco dollar tanks is that I'm guessing you are buying from a separate stock or batch than the dollar tanks are coming from. If that is true your tank consistency and quality may be higher than the stacks of tanks at Petco.

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Thank you for the link.

Ya I guess that is a definite possibility. I will try to do some digging for you guys with my connections at Central and answer back here if I find anything out.
aXio;1104882 wrote: Thank you for the link.

Ya I guess that is a definite possibility. I will try to do some digging for you guys with my connections at Central and answer back here if I find anything out.

Awesome, thanks. I would hate to buy one then have no use for it.
I was finally called back by the parent company. Here is their response:

1- 75g tanks are not and never have had tempered glass

2- 55g tanks - they have no way of knowing. This is due to Petco/Petsmart wanting to bring the prices way down to do the $1/g thing. Basically, the factory has some glass that is and some that isn't tempered and the people on the line have no idea what is or isn't. That is why they put the sticker on the bottom that says don't drill. ANY panel MIGHT be tempered.

Now. Where is the closest Petco with 75g tanks....
wade;1104939 wrote: I was finally called back by the parent company. Here is their response:

1- 75g tanks are not and never have had tempered glass

2- 55g tanks - they have no way of knowing. This is due to Petco/Petsmart wanting to bring the prices way down to do the $1/g thing. Basically, the factory has some glass that is and some that isn't tempered and the people on the line have no idea what is or isn't. That is why they put the sticker on the bottom that says don't drill. ANY panel MIGHT be tempered.

Now. Where is the closest Petco with 75g tanks....

That is good to know for sure. Does make sense and I guess that is why I have never seen anything like that come through my store. I guess they gotta make those aquariums so cheap one way or another even if it is using left over tempered glass.

Best of luck with your search.