10.10.2023 BOD Meeting minutes


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Meeting started at 7:30PM 10/10/23

Attendees: Justin Cook, David Foster, Adam Nitschke, Bridgett Bass, Brian Cook, and Doug Lockett

  • Next ARC participating event - October 21, 2023 - Premier Aquatics BBQ
    • Vote held to buy 2 -$100 gift cards for a supporting member raffle to be held at the event - Vote passed
  • ARC Christmas party
    • Italian food to be served again this year based on positive feedback
    • Vote held to spend $7000 on Christmas party for food and raffle items - same spend as last year. - Vote passed
  • Louis Reef will now be an ARC sponsor. Louis has been a supporter of the club and regular frag swap vendor for several years.
  • Hunna has agreed to become a par reading steward for the club.
  • Constitution and Bylaws - @Adam to create a Forum Node for viewing.

  • Club Donation - Our $5000 donation this year needs to be completed before the end of the year @Gabridge83 has verified that the Atlanta Aquarium donation level is $5000 to receive Aquarium passes - a value add for the club each year. The BOD is also in favor of a separate donation to a children's charity. Input on which charity would be appreciated. Amount discussed currently $2000. Vote will be required.
ARC Officer nominations are now active and nominations can be found in the Supporting member forum: David Foster @dfoster is moving to a trustee role. Brian Cook @Cook nominated for President. Steve Burton @Steve Burton nominated for Vice President. Bridgett Bass @Gabridge83 nominated to continue as Treasurer. Justin Cook @jcook54 nominated for secretary. Nominations close October 31st at Midnight.

Next Meeting October 24th @7:30PM
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