10.11.2022 BoD Meeting 7:30 pm Zoom
Attendees: Justin Cook, Bridgett Bass, Adam Nitschke, David Foster, Hai Nguyen, Brian Cook
I. Trust
Attendees: Justin Cook, Bridgett Bass, Adam Nitschke, David Foster, Hai Nguyen, Brian Cook
I. Trust
- Consensus donate $5000 from trust plus money from Raffle
- Bridgett to email Audrey from Aquarium about donation process
- Do we need it? Get a smaller one?
- Sell down what we have?
- From Milton High School has multiple saltwater tanks
- Has a lot of equipment to sell to support the class
- Have a large ARC garage sale Justin to ask if can have other members there to have a ARC yard sale
- What needs to be done? Contest ends soon
- Dec 10th at Church in Decatur
- Have food catered, no vendors member raffle
- No alcohol due to liability
- Goody bags for Supporting members, David to reach out to Reef Nutrition
- When to nominate? Need to accept nominations by 10/31 at midnight
- Need to order Fish Trap for supporting members to use
- Google account no longer free, need to get everyone set up for next year