10.24.2023 BOD Meeting minutes


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Meeting started at 7:30PM 10/24/23

Attendees: Justin Cook, David Foster, Adam Nitschke, Bridgett Bass, and Brian Cook

  • Premier Aquatics BBQ
    • Successful event. @jcook54 Held down the table for the entire day and the @Gabridge83 made the trip to help with setup. Five new supporting members joined the club at the event.
  • ARC Christmas party
    • @dfoster to get a quote for Italian food for 120 people. Lasagna, Chicken Alfredo bread, salad and spaghetti with marinara. Drinks and desserts will be purchased separately.
    • We will purchase $2000 in gift cards from local stores for Christmas raffle. Other raffle items are currently in discussion.
    • @Gabridge83 will create the Christmas party event (December 9th) on the forum so RSVP's can begin.
  • Club Donation - Vote held to pull $5000 from the trust as required by our agreement for donation to the Atlanta Aquarium. Vote passed.
  • Vote held to make a separate donation in the amount of $2000 to a children's charity to be named later, most likely Make a Wish. Vote passed. @Adam to discuss with Raj and report back.
Administrative business
The club gmail account will be reviewed and unnecessary accounts will be removed to prepare for the new board. Email addresses will be created for elected positions: President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary.

Next Meeting November 7th @7:30PM
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