11.21.2022 BOD Meeting Minutes


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11.21.2022 BoD Meeting 7:30 pm Zoom
Attendees: Justin Cook, Bridgett Bass, David Foster, Brian Cook, Bill Musselwhite, Scott Whitlow

I. Holiday Party
  • Food-around $19 a head w/o Desserts or Drinks, need to decide on entrees
  • 50 Lasagnas 40 Fettuccine Alfredo and 10 Chicken Alfredo
  • No Appetizers, can get drinks cheaper at grocery store and use Churches drink containers
  • Ordering 50 Cannoli’s and get extra desserts from the grocery store
  • Motion to spend 2500 on food passes
  • Food does come with Garden Salad and Garlic Rolls
II. Holiday Raffle
  • 1200 for raffle items, Scott to help club obtain equipment for raffle
  • Have 3000 left to spend on Holiday party, use 1000 on more equipment for raffle and 2000 in gift cards
  • Still have a Dinkins Gift Card and GA Aquarium one time use tickets to use for raffle as well
III. TShirts
  • Brian working on another color for the shirts waiting on a response from vendor
  • Vote on paying artist $150 fee passes
IV. Frag Charity Auction
  • Bill helping to get Ecoreef and Chemholic to head idea
  • Can set up different thread
  • Justin to message Ecoreef and Chemaholic about heading up the idea and get their ideas on how they will run it
V. Taxes
  • Not done yet
  • Accountant has everything including this years donation letter
  • Justin staying on to top of accountant to ensure it gets done
VI. Elections
  • Brian to make ballots for Dec Meetings
Meeting closed Next Meeting 12.5.2022 @7:30

Action Items from previous meetings
-Look into catering pricing for Holiday Party
-Inventory Storage Unity to scale down
-Follow up about yard sale at High School either 2/4 or 2/18
-Order Fish Trap
-Get Tshirt Quotes
-Send Scott list of equipment for raffle