12.15.20 BoD Zoom


Staff member
Contest Committee
Reaction score
Stone Mountain
12.15.2020 BoD Meeting 7:00 pm Zoom

Attendees: Shawn Dean, Doug Lockett, Adam Nitschke, Justin Cook, Bill Musselwhite, Andew Sharkey, Lawrence Zapata, David Foster

I. Any way to improve the ARC Zoom meeting experience?
  • Exporting additional information gathered on Zoom registrations.
II. Taxes
  • No taxes paid in 2019 per instructions from Jin.
  • We may need to hold some income back to cover taxes and/or penalties.
  • Brief conversation about our tax status.
  • Vote – Should we keep the current accountant that has been doing our taxes and trust work? All voted yes.
III. Forum rules update.
  • Rules are updated and have been sent out for review.
  • Current version is v4.2
  • To be completed and posted by December 29th.
IV. Facebook Moderators

  • Deny folks who have created FB accounts within two weeks of applying.
  • These folks are typically spam accounts.
V. Logo Update
  • Andrew is building on current drafts.
  • Drafts will be presented at the next BoD meeting.
VI. Meeting Schedules
  • We are going to shoot for alternating Saturdays and Sundays.
  • Reach out to Dana Riddle and get a date that works for him.
  • January, February & March dates selected.
  • Announcement to be posted once we hear back from Dana Riddle.
VII. Expo Date
  • We will have the Expo in the Fall of 2021
  • To be held at Infinite Energy Center.
  • We all agreed to bring back Cherry Convention Services for Expo setup.
  • We’ve focused in on October 23rd as the date, no announcement to be made yet.
  • April 17th as the date for the Spring Frag Swap.
VIII. MASNA and Reef2Reef
  • Vote – Should we join MASNA officially as a Club? – All voted yes.
  • Vote – Should we put ARC on Reef2Reef? – All voted yes.
IX. Sponsor Update
  • Nemo’s does not want to do 10% discount, period.
  • What can we do for the stores to make it valuable for both stores and members?
  • In store meetings generate a lot of good will for both ARC and Sponsors.
X. Moderators
  • Bring on Victor Hap as a moderator.
  • Need to have a person to organize the moderators.
  • Forum rules should help make this job easier.
XI. Sales on Facebook
  • Livestock is not to be sold on Facebook, per FB rules.
  • How should we handle livestock sales when they come up.
  • Pumps & dry goods alright.
Edit: Under Section VII I had written "Cobb" Energy Center. Actual location is to be Infinite Energy Center. Same location as 2018.
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