125 gallon build plumbing question


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Hey guys I got a question about my plumbing. I bought a 125 gallon tank from a club member in Acworth named Reggie. Reggie built the stand and canopy for this reef ready, dual overflow and return tank.
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This is the first time that I have had a drilled tank and I decided to take my time and buy all the equipment that I wanted before I began to purchase livestock. I got a used refugium and sump from Keen Reef and I believe they are 15 gallon and 30 gallon tanks.
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I built a small stand for the fuge so that I could gravity feed the sump. I plumbed both returns into the fuge, then to the sump, then to a used Iwaki 4 return pump that I got from a member Alpharetta, I think his name was Chris.

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I built a walkway behind my tank so that I can easily reach far into the tank and to make access into the back possible.

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I built easy to remove covers for the walkway (no screws or nails) and have a 14 gallon rubbermaid container under the back walkway for my auto top off. I have a 10 outlet surge protecter under the near walkway and have more room under it possibly for a cannister filter. I also made the back panels
on the stand easy to remove with no screws or nails.

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I built a stand next to the display that holds my light ballast's in an open area on the bottom, a recessed area on the right side against the walkway, and I have plenty of room inside for equipment (maybe a calcium reactor). The top of this stand is ready for a 40 gallon tank, probably a quarintine tank.

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This is the recessed area that is on the far end of the walkway. It keeps this equipment that I saved for from getting damaged

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A shot of plumbing under my stand.

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My canopy has no back or top so I was able to get the Aqualight Pro with 3 x 250 watt M.H. lights.

My question is this, My return pump is very powerful and drains my sump in about 30 seconds. My refugium wont allow enough water thru the exit bulkhead to feed the pump. I see three options here,

1) Drill larger exit hole in the fuge. This will be some work.
2) Plumb 1 return into the fuge and 1 return into the sump. This may or may not work and would be a lot of work.
3) Use a ball valve on the pump return to diminish the amount of water entering the display tank. This would be easy but may harm the pump.

I would be grateful for any suggestions or opinions. Thanks to Tim at Keen Reef for answering my questions and excellant service, and hello to Barbara whom I have ran into twice now and is always kind and helpful.
Option three won't harm the pump but it does reduce flow to the tank as long as you throttle the output side and not the input side of the pump! What you could do is plumb a branch off your return with a ball valve on the branch--rather than restricting flow, you'd be redirecting part of the flow right back into the sump.

I would do option 2 and 3. Actually I have done option 2 & 3. I don't like all the flow going through my fuge so I have one return to the fuge end of my sump and one to the skimmer end. The return section is in the middle with a valve as I described. I ended up able to run it with the valve fully closed and all the flow going to the tank (Mag 18 return) but I have the option to slow it down if needed.
just an idea: Have all the water go into the sump, set up a small pump/return separate for the fuge. Completly independant.
Thanks for the reply stix, I may try that later. I'm looking at this right now and I think gwhiz nailed it. I'm gonna do option 2 & 3. Thanks guys :thumbs:
Nice looking setup. Where you at in BallGround?? Good to know theres others up this way!