150 5x2x2 build.


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So I got a good deal on an unused SC aquarium 150 gallon (60x24x24) from another member on here.
I just built the stand out of 2x6 lumber and figured I’d post the progress. Filling the tank with RO water to leak test.
Styrofoam cut underneath and just installed 3 1” bulkheads, ready to plumb everything while it’s filling. I’m glad a never went overkill on the frame as I almost doubled the 2x6 for the frame but would have ran into an issue with the plumbing.
I poured a few inches of water into the overflow box to make sure the bulkheads were not leaking, all is good so far, those are temporary pvc in overflow right now just so I could leak test the bulkheads.
The cut out on the weir is for 1/2”, but I will be using a 3/4” locline for the return so I will be customizing this as I don’t want to cut the weir and don’t want to use 1/2”.
Planning on 2x 1.5” drains (main drain and emergency) inside overflow box and then 1.0” from bottom of tank to sump.
Return will be 1.0” from pump to tank and all the way up into the overflow box, at the “T” for the return inside the overflow box I will reduce it to 3/4” for the locline.
Plumbing glued under tank into bulkheads, installed unions for easy disconnect later and left enough space above bulkheads and tank that it can be cut later if ever needed and still have pipe to work with.
Cut hole in wall, the woman loved that part...eeeek!!
FYI: I used clear primer and clear pvc glue/cement, the purple primer makes everything look to messy.
Here’s the sump location in other side of the wall.
This is in my basement.
I am going to using a 90gallon diy sump, I got this from a fellow reefer on here.
I am going to dry fit everything just to get the water going and I am going to add valves and shut offs from the main return for reactors and/or refuguim, once I’m happy with everything I’ll glue together.
Next I’m plumbing the overflow box and going to start the system up for the tank cycle and trim the styrofoam hanging off under tank.
Got salt mixed in sump and once the system is at 1.022 at 80 degrees I’m going to add the black live sand and cured base rock to the display.
So I had planned to run the return in the middle and the two drains on either side, I am going to use a slip union on the two drains so that the piece of 1.5” pipe on the top end can be ajusted up or down at any time by just loosing the top threaded piece.

Sand and rock in, 5x 20lbs bags black Hawaiian have me a solid inch across the 60x24 footprint, I thought it would take doivle so that was surprising.
Got the reef sand throughout Perco, after 10% off coupon they cost $16.17 for each 20lb bad- can’t beat that- sorry local fish stores... the sand was in really fresh new bags, the one store had some with older dates so make sure you check. They typically only carry 2-3 at most so it took two trips to get it but I saved as much as I spent.C8C9C264-F26B-4F7E-BDBD-13F103731D17.jpeg
Hmm... That sump looks familiar :p

Has anyone ever used styrofoam like that on a display tank before? I know with frameless you need to support the whole bottom of the tank but I thought that using that type of foam was a no no.
It is a frameless tank, was told by manufacturer to use it, it came with the tank when they ship.
So far it seems solid, Guess time will tell.
Everything’s plumbed, overflow is silent after adjusting valve on drain a tad.
So the holes in the weir, I can get 3/4” cpvc to slide through very snugly- so I reduced the 1”return in the overflow to a 3/4” slip fix, which is connected to 3/4” T, 3/4” pvc into a pvc-cpvc fitting, cpvc out and cpvc runs through weir hole into cpvc fitting that has 3/4” female for the lock line.

I need to paint it black? Can I use black spray paint?
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Sump and skimmers going 1 day on 1 day off, I put a piece of krill in 3 days ago and some flake yesterday, ammonia is at 0.25 on api after 5mins, after 10 mins it looked close to 0.75
All the plumbing on back side of wall is dry fitted, going to plumb it for other shut offs, and will be building a mixing station for right next to the sump this week, probably tomorrow as I have 0 patience lol..AAC93E21-798A-408B-9FD2-C0A131B7EFFE.jpeg67DE9A02-16F8-47E4-8D5E-33981E932A10.jpegA853F00D-2E1C-4814-998C-E9F57A283D1F.jpeg
Everything’s plumbed, overflow is silent after adjusting valve on drain a tad.
So the holes in the weir, I can get 3/4” cpvc to slide through very snugly- so I reduced the 1”return in the overflow to a 3/4” slip fix, which is connected to 3/4” T, 3/4” pvc into a pvc-cpvc fitting, cpvc out and cpvc runs through weir hole into cpvc fitting that has 3/4” female for the lock line.

I need to paint it black? Can I use black spray paint?

If you lightly sand it rinse it off and get it really dry you can use most any paint. I like this.

Let it dry for several days before getting it wet.
It looks pretty good, I am going to plumb a new tank the next week and will document it here.
By the way, you can use Krylon Fusion spray paint, its aquarium safe - They sell it at Walmart.
Looking good, I’ll be following along. What’s your plan for the stand.

As @anit77 brought up the foam, I’ve always used pink foam board insulation from HD/Lowes just to be on the safe side. Never used the white styrofoam and haven’t seen it used much on builds. You may want to do some research before completely building out the tank then having to break it down once established.
i talked to the lady from Glass cage two years ago during the annual expo and she said that you can use any insulation foam from the hardware store. because of her statement, i bought the white foam with the silver lining on the other side. i have had it under my tank for the last 1.5-2yrs. fingers crossed though....