150 light quick question


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I have 2 250w MHs that we are putting on the 150 from the 90-
Question- the opportunity may have risen to put 2 more 250s on the 150- Should I go for it, or do we have enough light?
I would think that 2 250s would not be enough by themselves for the 150 gallon tank. That depends alot on what you want to keep in there though... If it were me, I'd get them if they were a good deal and put all 4 of em on there if there are no heat issues... :)
It's a 48" tank- Hadn't really given the heat issue a lot of thought.. We didn't have any problems with the Mhs in the 90.. But then again, it isn't summer yet.

Josh, can we come check out your tank/lights?
As we discussed earlier, I really think the two will be plenty. The problem with a 4ft 150 is depth which could cause par issues at the bottom. That is why some people prefer 400 for deep tanks. I think what you have is fine. You just may have to keep your SPS higher than in your 90.

On another note, I didn't have a chance to look for the overflow before Jen left but will get it before you come over to get that beast of a rock. Once you get it I have a lot of work to do breaking down that 110. I think I am going to put it in the garage till I move in May. Maybe I can set it up as a sump or something later. What are you going to use for a sump on the 150? When you get here I will give you some cheata and grape calurpa if you want.
Thanks for all your help, Rickey- If you and Jen need help breaking down the 110, let us know- After the 5th, I'll be dog free (except my own) and can come over anytime. We dont' have anything for a sump right now.. Just the 29 in the storage, but I was hoping to do a 40L like we talked about. I wish we could have built/bought something to go under the stand before we put stuff in it... Oops!

Josh, sorry to hear that about your tank- that sucks!! Just let me know when you get things leveled out and we can come by then.
I would stick with just 2 250's. Put all your sps near the top and everything else should be fine anywhere in the tank. 2 more 250's = higher energy bill, more cluttered, another $150 every 8 months for more bulbs, and a hotter tank, possibly a chiller with 4 250's
Thanks- You guys are always great! I don't know if its' my age, or my being a woman :) but I don't always think things 100% through. (like it taking me ALL DAY! to change this tank over!)