150 Watt Halide Lighting Question


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This is not a typical question I'm sure but I have no other options at this point. I received this lighting system: http://cgi.ebay.com/150-Watt-Metal-Halide-Fixture-Marine-Reef-Tank-w-LED-/220670607992?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3360fe4278#ht_2778wt_1165">http://cgi.ebay.com/150-Watt-Metal-Halide-Fixture-Marine-Reef-Tank-w-LED-/220670607992?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3360fe4278#ht_2778wt_1165</a> for Christmas last year. Since then I have blown the fuse and now need a new one for the ballast. Thus my question... I have all the specs of the unit that the manufacturer provides but the fuse isn't listed. I went to Radio shack a few months back and bought a pack of what I though were the right ones and he took my old one and tossed it... Needless to say they didn't work. Now I don't know the amperage but I DO KNOW its slow-acting. The manufacturers site is in Chinese of course but here it is if your a techie and can convert units to figure this out. Thanks in advance!!!

I'd email them... chances are they have an English speaker who can help you.
cr500_af;674095 wrote: I'd email them... chances are they have an English speaker who can help you.

Sorry I forgot to mention I did e-mail almost everyone listed on the contact page of the site and the ebay seller. Still no response. :doh:
I still have no response from the company or ebay seller. I just emailed my LFS owner. If I don't know something by Monday its going to be a trial and error situation with electricity - HELP!
JayTwist;674621 wrote: I still have no response from the company or ebay seller. I just emailed my LFS owner. If I don't know something by Monday its going to be a trial and error situation with electricity - HELP!

Your occupation is electronics repair, so don't you have the resources to fix this? Not trying to be funny, but I would think this would be cake for you.

There are two types of halide ballasts, magnetic and electronic.

Generic 150 watt magnetic halide ballasts for sale use a 10 amp fuse, but from the looks of your ebay link I think you have an electronic ballast. Some research shows a 150 watt electric ballast will use about 1.4 amps continuous, which generally means they will have a start up amperage spike of about 3-3.5 amps.

So based on the assumption of an electric ballast, I would install a 3.5 or a 4 amp fuse in the unit. If it turns out you actually have a magnetic ballast on the light it will probably blow a 4 amp fuse, which won't hurt anything. Buy a multi amperage pack of fuses and go up an amp rating for each one the lamp blows. If you get to 10 amps and the fuses are still blowing, then your ballast is bad and needs fixed/replaced.
Acroholic;674667 wrote: Your occupation is electronics repair, so don't you have the resources to fix this? Not trying to be funny, but I would think this would be cake for you.

There are two types of halide ballasts, magnetic and electronic.

Generic 150 watt magnetic halide ballasts for sale use a 10 amp fuse, but from the looks of your ebay link I think you have an electronic ballast. Some research shows a 150 watt electric ballast will use about 1.4 amps continuous, which generally means they will have a start up amperage spike of about 3-3.5 amps.

So based on the assumption of an electric ballast, I would install a 3.5 or a 4 amp fuse in the unit. If it turns out you actually have a magnetic ballast on the light it will probably blow a 4 amp fuse, which won't hurt anything. Buy a multi amperage pack of fuses and go up an amp rating for each one the lamp blows. If you get to 10 amps and the fuses are still blowing, then your ballast is bad and needs fixed/replaced.

I was pretty general in putting my occupation as I don't want to be bothered with work on a hobby forum. That being said I decided on Sunday morning I wasn't waiting any longer. I went back to Radiocrap and bought a pack of 2 amp slow blows and a pack of 5 amp slow blows. I tested the 2 amp first obviously with the LEDs then added the cooling fan. Worked fine for those. I killed both the LEDs and cooling fan and then powered up the halide only to now blow the fuse. I then inserted the 5 amp slow blow fuse and followed the same procedure. Everything is now working as it should. Thank you everyone for your input!!! I do appreciate it!