150g Mixed Reef - Fish Recommendations

For sure a couple of tangs (1 yellow), coupe of wrasses, orange spot rabbit fish and a pair of clowns that grow to a decent size like gold stripe or lightening maroons.
I would have- a harem of 4-5 anthias (likely square backs, possibly bimaculatus), a marine beta, royal gramma, several flasher wrasse’ (always wanted an opossum wrasse too), flame angel (yes, I’d risk it), starry blenny, copperband butterfly (yes, I’d risk it), ~5 Caribbean blue reef chromis, pair of fire fish (your choice, but the regulars are beautiful!) green clown goby, rainbow nem with black onyx percula clown pair, one pair only of sand sifting gobies (blue streak, Diamond, etc). That should about do it ;)

Put them in smallest to largest, except for the Beta as it is shy. Put the clowns, flame Angel, sand sifter gobies & starry blenny in last.
Yellow Tang, Diamond Goby, Engineer Goby, 6 line wrasse to start. Couple clowns if you don't mind getting bit.
I have trouble with anthias & wrasses because there are so many Varieties.

I’ll likely transfer my existing stock -
2 yellow coris
2 clowns
1 black cap basslet
1 coral beauty
1 purple firefish

I’ve been looking on and off and am considering

1 blonde naso
1 (maybe 2-3) yellow tang
1 purple tang (I know, I know…)
1 magnificent fox face
3 pyramid butterflies (but I have clams)
And something blue
my pyramid butterflies never bother my clams or corals they are reef safe
Our 180:
2 long fin clowns
Sailfin Tang
Starry blenny
Candy hogfish
Blue spot watchman goby
Pink spot watchman goby
Engineer goby
Blue regal/Hippo Tang
Blue eye kole
Tomini Tang
Royal gramma
Bi color foxface
Green Mandarin

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what do you guys think about this list? stuff in bold is what i already have
do you think its too light on tangs? i've looked into anthias...and frankly am not a fan of them. maybe that will change in the future, but for now, i don't like.

gold head/blue streak goby x2
purple firefish
coral beauty
clowns x2
black cap basslet

magnificent foxface
blue throat trigger x2 (m/f)

blue throat wrasse
yellow fin wrasse
orange back wrasse
yellow wrasse x2
melanarus wrasse

purple tang
yellow tang
blonde naso
So far it looks good. I'd make sure you have the filtration needed for those messy eaters and poop machines. Triggers aren't invert safe so keep that in mind. You'll be replacing those every couple of months or so. The purple and the yellow tangs will fight as they are the same so have a plan for introduction, i.e. mirror trick, rearranged rock, acclimation box, etc.

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i was toying with the idea of getting 3 yellows and 1 purple...but i dont have a jillion dollars :rolleyes:
Might be a little bit risky, but if I had a tank that size, I would definitely get a red tail or blue throat trigger.
blue throat is on my list...i've been reading about them.
like everything else - its seems about 50/50 for cuc safety.
what i'm debating is whether to get a male & female pair or just a male
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