165 gallon tank in main level with finished basement below


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I am thinking of upgrading. Interested in the 165gallon Red Sea 625. However not sure if my main floor can stand this weight. Right below is the basement, finished and all.

should I get a professional engineer to evaluate it structurally ?

Thanks for your thoughts.
Kinda an open ended question with many different opinions on the matter but there is lots of info out there regarding this question.
How old is your house, which way do the supports run and where are you putting the tank.
Cant go wrong getting a pro to evaluate since that will give you a definitive answer.
is it a drop ceiling in the basement? That's a lot of weight. I would definitely want to support it. Professional opinion won't hurt, but if the joist are accessible, adding support is fairly cheap and easy DIY project.
If you have an open ceiling in the basement and can see the joists then some steel reinforcement jack posts can be an option too. I used some smaller ones under my house which is a ranch with no basement when I installed my 210 gallon. Easy to install and adjust and fairly cheap too. But yes, a professional opinion is always the best way to start with this kind of project.