18 days without feeding?


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I have a pretty big sabae anemone. Before I leave for korea in a few days, I plan on stuffing it full, and will not come back till 17 days later. You think it will be okay? Everything else on my tank is pretty much autopilot.
yeah the anemone should be fine. It'll get food thu poop or other particulats in the water. Remember they generally dont have a constant supply of food in the wild, so they are adapt to going a bit without supplimental feeding; just make sure your lights dont go out ;)
Why not ask someone on the board to tank sit every 2-3 days? Better safe than sorry.
I would say have someone who knows what theyre doing tank sit for you every 3 days. Just like kappa said. In my line of work Ive seen many tanks crash from miscellaneous things that most people wouldnt notice i.e. tanks overheating, heaters dying, top-offs going crazy and batteries dying out on auto feeders.
Better safe than sorry.
there is also post somewhere on here of a list of people and the area they live in who is willing to tank sit. Might want to take a look at that.....that is if you trust people in your place.
Just please make sure that you don't feed it too much! I made that mistake with my green open brain. I gave it too large of a piece of shrimp and it could not completely ingest/envelope it. I thought it would be fine until my Blue Tang saw that the next morning when the lights came on. He would not leave the free dinner alone and picked mercilessly at the brain. It was not too damaged but now the brain doesnt open fully for very long during lights on like it used to. I think that it is still afraid of the tang! :angry: