2.27.2024 BOD Zoom Meeting


Vice President
Staff member
Contest Committee
Reaction score
Stone Mountain
2.27.2024 ARC BoD Zoom

Attendees: Justin Cook, Brian Cook, Steve Burton, David Foster, Bridgett Bass, Adam Nitschke, Bill Musselwhite

  1. March 2nd Event discussion
    1. Maybe focus on Saturday a.m. for setup?
    2. Confirm $300 for snacks budget.
    3. Mass email for with agenda.
    4. 3:00 announced raffle time.
    5. Show up at 11:00
  2. ARC Insurance Renewal is Due
    1. General Liability - Hartford - $581.00
    2. Rider for Officers - no invoice received yet
    3. Insurance to be paid, no vote needed.
    4. Adam will check into the status of the rider.
  3. Other Potential Events
    1. Scuba Steve presentation - April”
    2. Event at Pure Reef - May? (David to reach out to George/Angela)
    3. Frag Swap in May? Justin to check on NDPC for May 4th.
  4. Forum Organization
    1. Where to put Club History, ByLaws & Constitution?
    2. Moving nodes around is preferred to adding a whole new section.
    3. General discussion about node function and permissions
  5. Next meeting scheduled for March 12th, 2024 at 7:30 pm EST