2 Part on a large system?


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I'm restarting my 210 display with several holding tanks connected to the same system. Estimated total water volume 500 gallons. It includes a ~70 gallon frag tank (empty at the moment). So the eventual load will be a 210 display with mixed SPS/LPS and a 70 gallon (18" X 48") frag tank.

When I set it up originally many years ago, I used a CA reactor. I always had problems with low pH so I added a Kalk reactor that all my topoff is fed through. That really didn't help the chronic low pH situation. The low pH never really prevented coral growth however I believe it aggravated the nuisance algae problems I was fighting for the last several years before the re-boot. So far, the Kalk reactor and water changes are keeping up with CA demand but I know it is only a matter of time before I need to step it up.

Anyone have long term experience successfully using 2 part on a system this big? I used 2 part many years ago before the CA reactor and I remember it being a PITA to keep decent numbers with a heavily stocked system. Should I stick with tried and true CA reactor or switch to an automated 2 part dosing system?
i have had great success with 2 part but to keep up with a tank with a heavy coral load you would be going through a lot of 2 part.
i think 2 part would work for you until you out grow the supply and then have to run back to the ca reactor which is the big boy in Calcium production on an aquarium.
I've been giving this a lot of thought lately and I am now remembering the challenges I had with 2 part keeping both CA and Alk balanced and at a decent level with 2 Part on my heavily stocked 90 many years ago. Once I fired up the CA reactor, maintaining them was easy. Of course, I was manually dosing 2 Part back then which was probably part of the problem (missed doses, dosed both parts too close together, etc).

I have been using a homemade CA reactor for 10 years that is based on Daren88's design. It isn't pretty but it still works. Its a pain to refill and clean and needs a new circulation pump.

Whats everyone's favorite CA reactor these days? I'm leaning towards the Vertex RX-C 6D...
I have been dosing with two part since I got started again almost 10 years ago. I ran my 210 similar to your on a system of around 450G. I had no problem maintaining alk and calc on that system once i figured out the right dosing intervals but I was NOT heavily in to SPS. Mostly LPS and zoas, etc.. I am guessing others that are more SPS centric will recommend the reactors. I did have to mix up a gallon just about every week or so when I was dosing the 210
Thanks Bob! Were you using an automated doser for the 2 part on your 210?
yes, I had two dosers automated by my Reef Keeper (still do) ... it's old school but seems to work fine. I dosed calc throughout the day and ALK during the nigh
I dose 2 part on my 480g system and have been for about 8 years.

I have a calcium reactor I have yet to setup, which I need to because the amounts Im dosing are pretty high.

I always had issues getting reactors fine tuned enough to be used alone so my plan has always been to use a calc reactor for the majority of the dosing and use 2 part for fine tuning.

Aside from having to watch your salinity levels when dosing 2 or 3 part solutions its been working fine for me, just getting expensive.