2-Part Supply Issues


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So I use ESV 2-Part, which has had horrible stocking issues this year, but I have been a good boy and kept a backup jug at all times...you know like a well-organized and thoughtful person. A few months back I ordered a resupply from BRS noting I was going into my last jug. On the delivery day it busts all over the UPS truck. No worries, BRS has my back says they will send another as soon as it comes back into stock, no more than a few weeks! Good deal, I have plenty.

Last week I still hadn't received my new order and BRS still showed out of stock. Running out I managed to find a jug of Part 2 Calcium elsewhere and was able to find a jug of Part 1 Alk at Marine Depot. Winning. Well that is until my package from Marine Depot came today and they accidentally sent me a jug of Part 2 Calcium instead. Now they say they are out of stock...despite being in stock if you buy both. I already have like 3 jugs of Part-2 calcium now thanks to all the issues lol. Can't win.

Which dosing options do you guys use? I like ESV for its price-effectiveness if nothing else but this is twice this year I have had to bend over backward just to get it. Might be time to try another option.
DIY 2 part. I use the regular recipe but it has instructions for ESV strength.

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DIY 2 part. I use the regular recipe but it has instructions for ESV strength.

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You know that might actually scratch my DIY itch and be an interesting exercise in finding something better for less.
Been using the ESV 2 part 1 gallon concentrate jugs. Was getting them from Marine Depot (actually waiting on an order right now from them for it). Looks like it's shipping from Atlanta so should be pretty quick.
I use the Aquavitro (Seachem) Fusion 1 & Fusion 2. Never had any issues and most of the local stores carry it. I've never looked into ESV but it looks like the Fusion combo is more expensive. I only dose around 20 mL per day of each and I guess I'm paying a bit more than I could if I mixed my own 2 part but it's never been an issue and I've always had good results. I have considered using the BRS system but whenever I think about it, I just get more Fusion and I'm done with it.
I'm assuming you're buying the ready to go supplements and not the one you mix with your own RO/DI water? Why not go with the dry supplements and mix your own. They are usually readily available across several brands. It would probably save you a significant amount of money long term.

Live Aquaria is having a 20% sale off their supplements: https://www.liveaquaria.com/categor...HP-_-120320_HMP_HERO_LASupplements.jpg-_-BAN4
Good news, Marine Depot is spot on as usual and quick shipping me a replacement. BRS is going to give me credit so I don't end up with a multi-year supply whenever they do come in stock.

The DIY suggestion still hangs on my mind though. My main reef is still in year one right now so I don't use it a whole lot. A gallon-sized set of ESV lasts me a long time and is very affordable. Looking forward into the future of my 150G tank though...the DIY could end up being the most cost-effective and quality way to go. I wonder about the shelf stability and storage of the raw ingredients in bulk. You can buy a bucket of Calcium Chloride for $99 which makes 32 gallons of Part 2 - Calcium...enough to last many years and a fraction of the cost of the next cheapest option...but will it stay good for that long?
Good news, Marine Depot is spot on as usual and quick shipping me a replacement. BRS is going to give me credit so I don't end up with a multi-year supply whenever they do come in stock.

The DIY suggestion still hangs on my mind though. My main reef is still in year one right now so I don't use it a whole lot. A gallon-sized set of ESV lasts me a long time and is very affordable. Looking forward into the future of my 150G tank though...the DIY could end up being the most cost-effective and quality way to go. I wonder about the shelf stability and storage of the raw ingredients in bulk. You can buy a bucket of Calcium Chloride for $99 which makes 32 gallons of Part 2 - Calcium...enough to last many years and a fraction of the cost of the next cheapest option...but will it stay good for that long?
Keep it sealed and it does not expire. Those big buckets come with a nice seal on it, so after use, just close it back up and store it in a cool/dry area and it could last years easily. I use to store mine in my basement with no issues, back when I had a basement.