2 Questions with pictures!


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Okay, first, I've had this thing growing for a while, it's kinda greenish-whiteish and my guess is, that's is a sponge. It grows on the bottom of rocks and is expanding with reckless abandon.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/27168377@N08/2531218279/">here it is</a>

also, my zoa is getting really big (guess that's a good problem to have) but it's the basic kinda that no body really wants, how do i trim this thing back? just frag it and see if someone wants some?
[IMG]http://www.flickr.com/photos/27168377@N08/2532031630/">big zoa!</a>
Yup first one is def a sponge. As far as the zoos go, you can cut and peel them off rocks usually. Just be careful, they have a toxin thats not too nice if it happen to squirt in yours eyes. I'd wear some gloves if you have....not necessary tho. Just make sure you wash your hands well afterwards.
As Lee said, that's def a sponge. A nice one at that. As for the zoas, they're nice. I love those bright green ones.