20-Gallon Built-In? [Seedless Reefer, Ignore this Thread]

linda lee

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I'm still brainstorming how to downsize from my 90g to a nano-sized tank and I have this 20g drilled tank that I got from Perry a few years ago.

I'm wondering if I can employ this tank as a built-in display somehow, and use the 30g sump currently on my 90g. With 50g of water volume, I could pack a bigger bioload into the display.

I'm envisioning a retro-fit light and fans with as little as possible of the business end of the system being visible.

The 20g is drilled in the back/top/left of the tank -- single hole.

Any suggestions on how to plumb this to a 30g sump? Can it even be done?

I doubt Loren will entertain the notion of a build project, but if it's simple enough and relatively inexpensive, maybe I can do it myself.

From the top:

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/24531277/20G-1.JPG" alt="" />

From the back:

[IMG]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/24531277/20G-2.JPG" alt="" />