20 Gallon stocking advice welcome


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I have a 20 gallon AIO tank and have a stocking list wondering if it would over stocked
I currently have
2 clowns (juvenile) right now
2 Trochus snail
Want to add
1 Watchman Goby
1 Pistol Shrimp
2 Cerithium snails
2 Nassarius snails
I have pretty much exactly this in a 15 gallon AIO cube, plus a springeri damsel, and everything is thriving
I would like to rescind this comment... My female clown woke up one day and chose violence. First she murdered the goby (I took him out as soon as I noticed but he succumbed to infection from the bites). A few days later she started going after the springeri damsel. Fortunately I removed that one in time.

I guess that's something to look out for as the clowns mature and pair up...
Yes, unfortunately the clowns will become territorial as they mature and a 15-20 gallon space is not big enough to allow the clowns their own space, plus whatever the other fish need. My clown pair took over a third of an 80 gallon tank when they were fully mature and laying eggs. Just keep an eye out since you already have them. Once it's clear which one is female and which is male, it will be time to consider moving them either to a larger aquarium or someone else's tank.