20g long + 10g Pea puffer system


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Flowery Branch
Wife's new pea puffer setup in progress - I do maintenance, and advise, but tank is hers to do with as she wishes. There is a 10g tank to the right (still working on it) that will house a breeding population of snails, and 1 or 2 African dwarf frogs.

~1" of soil from Father Fish (bag for a 29g tank is just barely enough for long 20g), 1/8th inch of gravel, 2" fine black sand on top.

Prior to the putting the the substrate and first plants, tank/water was cycling for about 5 days using a pre-filter sponge and lava rock that spent a week in the filter compartment from my mature planted 29g shrimp tank, along with 5 gallons of water from that tank. The HOB filter has no media, only more lava rock and 3 money plants that likewise spent some time in the 29g filter. Sponge filters were supposed to arrive 3 days ago but have been delayed again.

First plants arrived 4 days ago. More again yesterday. Snails arrived early - yesterday also - before the breeder tank was ready so they were added to the main. In a twist of good fortune, somewhere along the way some daphnia have hitchhiked their way in - and here I thought I was going to have to culture them from pond water

More plants - and possibly wood - to come before we order the puffers. Life interferes and I can't on the schedule I wanted to - which would have been yesterday - to introduce fish, but I'll be adding a black skirt tetra and some neons to help move the cycle along, and transferring them to my 29g tank before the puffers arrive.

~8 days after first putting water in the tank (3 days after putting in substrate and plants), system reads: pH ~7, KH ~60, TA ~60, Cl2 0, NO2 0, NO3 >0 / <10, GH ~50

10 gallon got soil yesterday, and planted tonight - sediment is obviously still stabilizing.

I wound up getting a LOT more plants than expected/advertised from Aquarium Plants Factory, and they had a buy 2 get 1 free, so I only ordered a total of 4 packages (for $9 each) and got 6. They're smaller and younger than what I would have gotten from Aquarium Co-Op, I think, which would have just been 6 individually potted dwarf chain swords, but mature, tall ones. These were advertised as I'd get one cluster of 2-3 chained plants of a small size per package... when in reality I got like, 3 - 4 clusters of plants per package or more - one package had one cluster of two, and another chain that was 10 clusters long all in a straight row. Everything you see in the below picture and more besides that's well buried under the sand, for like $55 shipped. It was notably kinda hard to plant, unless I wanted to break the chains apart and make them all individual or smaller groups, which I elected not to do, so it's not quite as orderly looking as I might have liked, but I'm certain it will fill in nicely in no time at all.

The rock intended for the 10 gallon didn't come as white and clean as I wanted, so I'm hitting it overnight with a hefty dose of chlorine bleach (because I'm out of sodium percarbonate now) that I'll neutralize tomorrow, and hopefully the rock will be ready to put in. Hoping to pick up livestock from Southern Aquatics next Saturday.

Plants in the 20 gallon seem to have stabilized, despite a few of them having some leaves that died off, and one only hanging on by a few threads - the java ferns seem about ready to drop new baby ferns, and the daphnia have definitely been making more of themselves, which is good to see, so hopefully I won't need to buy a culture.

20 gallon:

10 Gallon:


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