240g Lighting Questions


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So, I'm picking up a 240g 8'x2'x2'. I think I'm going to light this baby up with T5s. T5s are kind of new to me. I've talked to a few sales reps, but I wanted to know what you guys suggest. This tank is going to be viewable on both sides, and I'd like it to be my SPS reef. How many T5s should I get, and what bulb/ballast combinations would you use? I know I can get the Hagen T5 combos cheap, but I'm really looking at getting a few Ice Cap 660s and maybe some ATI bulbs? I'm just really looking for any ideas, as I have never set up a SPS reef with T5s...

Thanks for the help,

Using the following input parameters
Tank Length = 96 inches
Tank Width = 24 inches
Tank Height = 24 inches

Tank volume is calculated as
Tank Volume = 239.4 Gallons
How many can you afford!?

I just put six T5's driven by a pair of IC 660's on my 175. It's a six foot tank, so I staggered 6 5ft T5's. The end's are a bit dimmer--but really not noticably so. But I only had an 18" depth to work with.

I used ATI bulbs with one GE 6500 k bulb. You can see the results in my thread in the DIY forum.

With a 24" depth I go for two rows of 8 4ft bulbs. You'd need 4 IC 660's to drive 'em, but you could keep anything that you wanted under them and you'll have the flexibility of choosing the combination of bulbs that look best to you.

If you're overdriving them with IC's, plan on adding fans to keep the bulbs cool so you don't shorten the life significantly.
pnguye3;123148 wrote: Using the following input parameters
Tank Length = 96 inches
Tank Width = 24 inches
Tank Height = 24 inches

Tank volume is calculated as
Tank Volume = 239.4 Gallons

Measure the internal dimensions of the tank and see what you come up with. If the tank's well built it may have taken 20 gallons of glass to build.
I think you should always approach lighting with your goal in mind.

How much Light / PAR do you want(what kind of corals do you want to keep at what depth, what kind of growth do you want just enough to live or...) thats your goal.

Then you just need to find out how you can achieve that. ( with T-5s or...)
DannyBradley;123165 wrote: Measure the internal dimensions of the tank and see what you come up with. If the tank's well built it may have taken 20 gallons of glass to build.
Real Good point, Commonly we don't consider that, I would still call it a 240 for piratical purposes
Yea, Im sure there's going to be volume lost b/c of the acrylic, but there are no tanks where the volume is exact. That's why all the tank manufacturers will call there tanks "Model 75, 90, 120" etc...

I'm just trying to get ideas for the planning stages right now. I might go with 16 bulbs if 12 isn't enough.
The good thing with t5 is that you can start at 12 and add more if you want/need. I'm thinking you'll be going casper's route pretty quick though.

post pics when you get things going
If you want to pack them in, IceCap T5 reflectors with 18 48" T5s. You could also do 16 48" Tek reflectors. However on an 8' tank, I would seriously consider using 4 175w Iwasakis. Oddly you will have less heat (or close to the same), shimmer, pertty equivilant PAR and it will be cheaper than the above T5 setup.