29 gallon lighting


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ok guys i have posted a few tiem in the WTB section and got nothign so im gonna break down and go out and buy a brand new lighting piece for my 29 galllon tank.....I really know nothing about this and say this one at petco that had two bulbs......one moon something and another actinic 10k something it was like 80 bux i believe................the other i saw was at the LFS they said it was 180 and had the built in fans and exactly what i needed for my tank.....

does anyone have any input before i go waste money on something that i dont need........

Tank info: I want some basic corals dont knwo any names, i want an anemone and plan to add 2 clowns....

right now i have 1 bar goby, 1 dwarf angel, 1 green chromis, 1 arrow crab and then some snails and hermits....................any input is appreciated
If you were wanting to add an anem. down the road, you might as well bite the bullet and buy a Metal Halide light off the jump, that way you dont shell out the bucks for some PC and then get the anem. and have to pay more for MH's...Maybe like one of those Viper clip ons or I think Coralife makes one also...
If you want to keep an anemone, you'll need a lot of light. I recommend this fixture:


You might be able to get away with PC's, though:


If you already have a canopy, I'd get the T5 retrofit kits and save some money. Their reflectors are better, too.
I have a 260watt (4X65pc), 24" fixture made by hamilton technologies with a built in fan. Sent PM.
Im a big believer in T5HO but thats just my opinion. Smaller tank is not as deep so the par ought to be decent at the substrate level especially for what you say is going into the tank. I would only recommend a T5HO fixture with individual reflectors as that makes a tremendous difference or a retro fit with the same. Cheaper bulbs, huge assortment of intensities to achieve different things in your tank not to mention much cheaper to run and much less heat than MH male T5s pretty attractive. IMHO

jaydm93teg;94391 wrote: ok guys i have posted a few tiem in the WTB section and got nothign so im gonna break down and go out and buy a brand new lighting piece for my 29 galllon tank.....I really know nothing about this and say this one at petco that had two bulbs......one moon something and another actinic 10k something it was like 80 bux i believe................the other i saw was at the LFS they said it was 180 and had the built in fans and exactly what i needed for my tank.....

does anyone have any input before i go waste money on something that i dont need........

Tank info: I want some basic corals dont knwo any names, i want an anemone and plan to add 2 clowns....

right now i have 1 bar goby, 1 dwarf angel, 1 green chromis, 1 arrow crab and then some snails and hermits....................any input is appreciated