2x 250 mh and the power bill


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i know it will go up but does anyone know how much like a average from what theres use to be to when they went to the mh?
total watts/1000xtotal hours ran x price per kilowatt= cost
6kwh x .10= .60
.60 x 30 = $18
That is assumming your ballast is only pulling 250 watts each and on the average cost per kilowatt is 10 cents
That formula works for all your equipment if you know the wattage. If you know your amps and voltage then you can figure wattage by amps x voltage = watts
ok cool thanks for that info i didnt know
learn something new everyday
Glad I stumbled across this today! My power bill shot through the ROOF last month. I'm trying to figure out if it is because the lights and equipment, the heat from the equipment or it was just FREAKIN' hot last month in Georgia. This is a great help. Wonderful information for future set ups also.....most people don't stop to think of the cost of upkeep and the general running of an aquarium.

I'm running two 400W MH 20k. After I got my bill, I billed back the hours of light to the tank. Hoping that helps with cutting down the heat in the house that these things put out and with overall usage of power. My bill shot up $200 over what I'm used to paying. :eek: Eyes about popped right of my head!

Again, the ARC members have the good info!
it was just freaking hott last month mine always goes thru the roof during june,july and august
grouper therapy;374980 wrote: total watts/1000xtotal hours ran x price per kilowatt= cost
6kwh x .10= .60
.60 x 30 = $18
That is assumming your ballast is only pulling 250 watts each and on the average cost per kilowatt is 10 cents

is it 18.00 a day or a month? i suck at math lol
omg i was about the fall out of my chair at work
lol thanks yea the power companys are worse than the goverment
You may also want to check your bill and see how the "tiers" fall out. With Cobb I'm blasting through the base tier at the lower rate on just my AC alone, and then tossing in 3 250W MH's has added quite a bit. Yet another reason to move back north haha.
our bill went up over $100 last month too. $200 Less than last year, I assume due to rebuilding the house with a lot more insulation and energy efficient appliances.
ares;375237 wrote: month lol

remember georgia power goes to summer rates now, which is like .13c/kw during the afternoon hours. off peak and non summer months is like .06c so its a big difference. if you can shift your lights to be after 5 or 6PM that would save you a few bucks. of course that bump affects everything, AC, fridge, if you have an electric dryer and your washer, do laundry early or late, not mid day.

I am not living here that long - but how do they measure that?
My meter only tells how much I used, not WHEN...
my bill runs around 125 during june and july..last month it was 230 I almost had a stroke, and that was with 3 250's and 4 t-5's
If you have an electronic meter, it is downloadable from the street and will show usage at what time of day. For us suckers in the sticks that have the old style dial meters, yer screwed. :)
I am not sure about the different rates at different times of the day, But there are different tiers as someone mentioned that increases as usage increases for the billing cycle. But you can help your cause for lowering your bill by burning your halides in the cooler part of the day to take some strain of your ac.Just remember every watt of your lights(heat) goes somewhere it doesnot disappear.
joshl;375230 wrote: is it 18.00 a day or a month? i suck at math lol
like ares said that is per month. A killowatt meter is a great investment and can be bought for less than 50 bucks. It will actually tell you the kilowatt hours.
Not to my knowledge. There is some debate on different boards that suggest shorter light periods may increase coral growth. I for one lean to the 12 hrs period since most of our corals come from tropical areas. Which I assume exoerience 12 hr day and 12 hr night.
this is the meter I spoke of earlier
Glad to hear I wasn't the only one having a stroke last utility cycle. I know my bill generally goes up, just don't recall it being that kind of jump.

When I trimmed my timers back, I noticed that my Idaho Blue Monti isn't as blue (or IMHO purple) as before. When I first got it, it was a dusky pink color (was concerned that the guy was color blind when he called it Idaho Blue)....I couldn't help myself, I had to point out that my crayons are different than his. After three or four weeks on the 400W MH, the color went to a great purple. ANYWAYS....I'm concerned that I'm going to loose some coloration with dialing back my hours on the MHs.
Deana.. try and run them reverse.. I swapped mine from 1-8 to 6-1 so it wouldn't compete with the AC as much..
DrNecropolis;375533 wrote: Deana.. try and run them reverse.. I swapped mine from 1-8 to 6-1 so it wouldn't compete with the AC as much..

Thanks Doc....I've done that (sort of).....I have a few hours where the right side run, a couple where only the left are on. Then....only the day light that is within in the room (which isn't much) then around 5 pm right kicks on for 30 minutes, then left......they both run until 11-12 and kick off, with a 15 minute window between shut down times.

I really need to check and see exactly how many burn hours I have. Unfortunately, I have no idea how much they were running before I dialed them back. I would like to find some middle ground (at least until the middle of the fall, I can use my lights to heat my house! lol). To keep corals happy and my electrical bill from putting me in the poor house!