3.12.2024 BOD Meeting Minutes


Staff member
Reaction score
Attendees: Brian Cook, Steve Burton, Brandi Woods, Bridgett Bass, Bill Musselwhite, Doug Lockett

  1. March 2nd Event review
    1. Approximately 150 people attended
    2. Fantastic turnout, but double the number we expected based on RSVP's - How can we anticipate attendance?
    3. Feedback overall positive
    4. Positive feedback from Southern Aquatics as well, speakers enjoyed the event.
  2. ARC Budget
    1. Bridgett has been working on this project
    2. Having a budget for the board to approve each year would make planning more straightforward
    3. Also easier on incoming board
    4. Discussion due to Contest committee vote to spend money ($500) every year from 2020. If board members do not have this history prior board votes can become lost.
    5. Entry into budget allows the board to adjust up or down as needed based on other spends for that year.
  3. Other Potential Events
    1. Scuba Steve Commercial Aquariums presentation - April 13th or 14th ish. Hosting a meeting during the week is possible, Scofflaw's like Brett Raymer, possibly B. Cook's workplace, or Zoom.
    2. Event at Pure Reef - May? (David to reach out to George/Angela) - Feedback needed
    3. Frag Swap in May? May 4th unavailable - April 20th was an option at the church? Is it too soon?
    4. Pico Contest - Hunna to contact Dave Ball to start planning for materials needed while we work out a date for announcements and event.
    5. Club BBQ? Brian proposed a food truck - there are potential minimums we would need to understand. General agreement that a gathering for social engagement would be good for the summer.
    6. The club needs places to host events
      1. Brian to re-engage Shindell's office building
      2. Community centers are an option but Cobb County does not allow commercial sales. If we host at Windy Hill we would have a true frag swap for members by members.
      3. Not sure if this is different by county or a community center rule - more research needed.
      4. Steve to do some research
  4. Forum Organization (Part II)
    1. Where to put Club History, ByLaws & Constitution?
    2. We will create a new node for the rules
    3. Feedback is that all the rules merged together create a wall of text members may not read
  5. Next meeting scheduled for March 26th, 2024 at 7:30 pm EST