3 peppermint shrimp vs 1 cleaner shrimp ?


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I have 3 good sized peppermint shrimp. I added a cleaner shrimp and a small 6 line wrasse. Also in the nano tank are 2 emerald crabs, diamond goby and maron clown. My cleaner shrimp has seamed to disappear and my wrasse has gone missing as well. I am thinking the peppermint shrimp got to them. What are your thoughts on the disappearence.
Highly unusual... I've never heard of peppermints actually killing other shrimp let alone a fish. I don't think they have the tools necessary to hold a fish down and kill it. Your other inhabitants aren't the usual suspects either... If you just recently added them, they could just be hiding very effectively which is my guess.
I have 3 peppermints and a cleaner shrimp as well... my cleaner disappeared after about two weeks and I thought it was a gonner... but sure enough, I went looking with a flashlight at night and spotted the cleaner.
They all seem to be doing okay together... I think the peppermints just convinced the cleaner to stay hidden so I would be annoyed.
I also have three peppermints, a cleaner, and a 6-line wrasse. They all seem to get along fine.

Hope this helps,
i just got a sixline and he is mean as hell he scares off my clown that is like twice his size but i also have a pepperment and he is still alive at leasre for now
The meanest thing in the tank is the clown, but I don't think he would kill a cleaner. Oddly a big emerald could have done some damage. Sometimes fish and inverts just bite it... odd that they disappeared soon after being added in. Maybe they just didn't acclimate well.
ok , so it sounds like they are hiding. But a wrasse hiding for 2 weeks??
If its been 2 weeks... then its prolly time to hold a memorial service. Although its not unheard of for the fish to be hidden for that long. Did you check your overflow and sump?
When I first got my sixline, I didn't see him for over 2 weeks also. I had a percula and coral beauty in the tank before the wrasse. This could have been the problem. Once the wrasse got comfortable he stays in plain view constantly. My sixline often eats the algae in the tank, so during that time I guess that is what was keeping him alive.
BTW, my sixline last week jump into the overflow and I had to fish him out. Definantly check any small spaces he could have jumped into.
well, this is a nano tank 24g , ill check the back filter compartments to see if he is back there. Thanks for your responces
Be sure to check the back filter compartments. My sixline once again jumped back there tonight, while I was at dinner. I have a 29gal Biocube. The pump cooked him.
Time of Death: 9:45pm.
My sixline had done this before in the biocube and stayed perfectly healthy until I found him. The problem last night was when he tucked himself under the motor back there. He usually wedges in a rock to sleep at night and I think this is why he was under the motor and not swimming in the back compartment. The previous time he had jumped was during the day and he was just swimming around. Anyway, my percula is in mouring and very lonely. They grew up together.
My water levels are always at the perfect levels for both my tanks. My OCD with my pets won't allow anything less than this. Being obsessive compulsive about my pets is both a positive and negative sometimes.
A sixline should be out flying around eventually since they constantly hunt. I am sure some are bashful, but I would start to get worried if I hadn't seen him in a couple weeks.
I dont understand it, Last night when i got off work. I took a flashlight and looked everywhere for the cleaner and my wrasse and nowhere to be found? I even looked in the back filter compartment. I re-arranged my rock work in the nano today and still no sign of either?? My guess is the wrasse just died and my blue legs ate him. As far as the cleaner shrimp I have no idea??