Many species of sea stars don’t fair well in captivity. Sometimes this is due to our tanks or collection methods; however, most of the time, these animals have a natural lifespan of 1-2 years (this applies to many invertebrates out there, not just sea stars). So by the time they are collected and transported, they may already be well past their prime.
I believe that all tile stars fall into this category. The majority that we got in the LFS would die within a month or so by the time we picked them up from the wholesalers. So while you can get lucky and maybe have one for over a year, that should be the exception rather than the norm.
So while, I’m hesitant to say just to check your LFS and don’t give the online store another chance; the truth is that it may not be their fault. So my advice would be; if you want this sea star, use your LFS. But not to rule out the website for other more resilient purchases.
If you want a sea star that is more resilient; I’d recommend the serpent sea star. These have been proven to live for over a decade and come in a variety of colors and patterns. While the red ones can sometimes be pricey ($30-150 each); keep an eye out for Harlequin Serpent Sea Stars. They’re my personal favorite Sea Star; looking like a Rorschach test, hardy and fast moving, small in size, and usually only $10-15.