32 Biocube build


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So I guess I should start with about 6-7 months ago I decided to get back into the hobby after a good 10-12 year break. I wanted to go bigger so I bought a 90 cube set up along with all the equipment (cal reactor, skimmers, lights everything) to install the display upstairs and put a 150 gallon sump in the basement. Unfortunately I found out quick I don’t have the time right now in between home remodeling and school to set it up.

So what does one do when you can admit you don’t have the time to do something but are too stubborn to walk away? I bought a second tank!!


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The fan for the lights on the biocube was noisy so I decided to order a krakenreef lid and swap to a AI 52. It’s overkill for sure but it’s what I have laying around.

For the price I felt like it could have used some improvements but it works perfect and I can get past the flaws (plus I’m not making one myself) so it is what it is. Most of my complaints are just from the aspect of being a Cnc guy with some fit and finish thrown in.

Next step is to get the rest of my corals into place from my basement Rubbermaid and look into skimmers. Anyone have a preference??


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Just taking some photos of my favorite corals. The hammer was a score from Duluth Petco of all places.


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Still working on a PH issue. I have gotten it up to 8.1 with a 10ml daily dose of all for reef. I’m 2/3 through this bottle and I think I will try something else next time or just go to powder form. If anyone has a great product to recommend for cal/alk/mag I’d love to here it.

Dirty tank shot.


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The powder version of AFR will save you some $$, is simple & gets good results.

Just use something like a Kamoer dosing pump/easy, if you don’t already have one.

As for the pH, what salt do you use? Many find it much easier to use a brand of salt which supports what kind of numbers you are looking for.
So I am thinking the brand new PH probe may be defective. Testing both with API and Salifert kits I am getting closer to 8.2 when apex is reading 8.0. I plan on trying a re calibration using test packets warmed to tank temp and see if that does the trick. Otherwise my parameters are pretty solid. Nitrates are an issue due, I am mixing my first 40 gallon batch of saltwater and plan on doing a 100% water change over the next two weeks. I also am going to place an order for the powdered AFR.

In other good news I put a bottle of pods in my tank weekly specifically for my red mandarin. Well today he decided to start eating Rods food. Not too sure what he was really after but it looked like very small chunks (about the size of a trigger) as well as some small brine or mysis. Now if he could just get the canary blenny on board everyone would be eating better.