4.30.24 BOD Meeting Minutes


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Meeting started at 7:30PM

Attendees: Brian Cook, Steve Burton, Doug Lockett, David Foster, Justin Cook
4.30.24 ARC BoD Zoom

Attendees: Justin Cook, Brian Cook, David Foster, Steve Burton, Bill Musselwhite, Bridgett Bass, Doug Lockett, Hunter Hickox

  1. Discussion about Community Centers for events
    1. Gwinnett Co. allows commercial sales.
    2. Other counties don’t allow commercial sales.
  2. June 8th Frag Swap
    1. City BBQ is a good option.
    2. Needs to be a “Featured Thread”
    3. Justin to get cost for 60 people from City BBQ.
  3. Conversation about gmail accounts.
    1. What we need to keep. What we can get rid of.
    2. What’s connected where.
  4. MACNA Public Meeting
    1. MACNA is a bit behind for 2024
    2. Held in Orlanda.
  5. Scuba Steve conversation
    1. Steve has been involved in a TON of huge tanks.
    2. China, Europe, Atlanta and many, many customer installs.
  6. Late Summer Event
    1. August 3rd as placeholder date.
    2. Steve Burton to check on Gwinnett County locations.
  7. Approaching Nemo to be a sponsor
    1. Nemo is a good store
    2. Bridgett to engage with Simon
    3. We have a history and we’d like to get them back on board
  8. Next meeting May 14th, 2024