40 Breeder AIO


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I currently have an IM 20g drop-off tank. It’s a nice tank but I prefer something a bit bigger and with more of a footprint.

This tank is going to be a modified version of @dball711 AIO design. I purchased the tank with one hole drilled on the back left. Thanks to the kindness of @hnguyen i know have a hole in the middle and a hole on the back right. I’m going to have the left side as the AIO section, probably 8” wide, then run the return pump out the hole and have it plumbed through the other two holes. I can also run this as a sump setup if I want to pretty easily.

I plan on using most of my existing equipment, AquaMaxx HOB 1.5 and NanoBox Duo LED. I’m also getting a ATI 8x24 (a little overkill) and a return pump. I will probably use part of the sump part as a fuge.

Here’s the tank. I will most likely stick it in this area behind it by the window when I set it up. 80495EFD-A237-4D41-9ED4-E9D9D2A387AF.jpeg19F6F399-72A7-49FB-B9A2-4729DD9C1044.jpeg