40 Gal skimmer recommendations?


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I'm looking to upgrade my crappy Seaclone skimmer to something that actually skims. I'm looking at the following 3 skimmers for my 30 gallon Oceanic cube w/10 gallon sump:

Red Sea Prizm Deluxe $90
AquaC Urchin $180
Coralife Super Skimmer 65 $88

I'll be keeping six fish and various crabs, snails, etc.:
Gold Stripe Maroon pair
Blue Neon goby
Royal gramma
Six line wrasse
Yasha goby

I'm also keeping a mixed reef coralwise: zoos to LPS to SPS under a 250W 10K metal halide.

What does everyone recommend? I read excellent reviews on the urchin. Is the extra $100 worth it?

If it is still for sale, try this one


I would avoid the Prizm as I haven't read much that is good.
I'm not familiar with the last two...

Having had a prizm. I'd pass. They don't suck (like the skilter or visi***), but if you are into it for a hundred bucks or so, there is better.

I have a HOT CPR backpak (120ish if I remember). it has been pretty decent for that price range...

My $.02 worth

I have a Super Skimmer on my 75 reef and it works great! I would highly recommend it especially for the price. Coralife always makes great products. I trust them with my tank I have a Coralife Aquachill, Coralife Superskimmer, Coralife Aqualight Pro, I also have some other coralife things on my other tank.
Aqua C is worth the price and then some. Might want to check out Here:
*Note: with that being said, if anyone is unloading a skimmer, I need a new one for my 55G tank.
Xyzpdq0121 wrote: Aqua C is worth the price and then some. Might want to check out Here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/cav1i1/protein_skimmer_impressions.htm">http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/cav1i1/protein_skimmer_impressions.htm</a>[/QUOTE]

XYZ...thanks for the link. You sold me on the AquaC Urchin. I took your advice and bought one from aquabuys. Just like the instructions read, no skimmate came out for the first 2 days. On the third day, I awoke to a collection cup full of beer-like nastiness. Man, what a difference between a SeaClone and an AquaC skimmer!!!!

I attached a pic, b/c it's kinda funny...also reminds me of something else. :yuk:

Another quick question...does everyone run their skimmers 24/7 or do you use a timed schedule?
<fieldset class="gc-fieldset">
<legend> Attached files </legend> [IMG]http://atlantareefclub.org/boards/data/uploads/attachments/22803=1517-eIMG_1567.JPG">[IMG]http://atlantareefclub.org/boards/data/uploads/attachments/22803=1517-eIMG_1567.JPG" class="gc-images" title="eIMG_1567.JPG" style="max-width:300px" /></a> </fieldset>
Glad I could help... Now for me to help even more... You need to adjust your skimmer there. That is WAY too wet if that was in your collection cup... Your cup should pull something out that looks like coffee and is very thick. It is hard to explain but there should be little water to it (Dry foam).

Also, run your skimmer 24/7 unless you are doing something that you need to turn it off.
Yeah...I already did. I just left it on the lowest setting until the skimmer kicked in. I'll be fine tuning it over the next week.