40g Sunburst Tank


Contest Committee Lead
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Under the sea
In addition to the large Reef tank build at the new house, i also needed to relocate my Anemone tank.

For anyone that has experience with anemones, namely BTAs, a dedicated anemone tank is a requirement. Sooner or later, they will grow, move, split, and misbehave. When that happens, a safe space to dump them, even temporarily, can be a lifesaver.

My first plan is to build a stand framework, paint, and apply a protective coat. This i managed to whip up fairly quickly in my friends woodshop. Later, when time allows, i intend to add a skin and canopy



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That’s the exact reason we have the WB 25, it’s going to just be for anemones
If I end up doing what I have planned, I am going to turn my WB20 into a nem tank, I will need to get one from you ;)
For anyone following my large tank build, this Anemone tank is slightly ahead of schedule.

Next steps, I moved the stand into the game room! This room will have a nice sized table for gatherings, poker, boardgames, etc... and some beautiful flowing anemones will be a nice accent.
We put the tank on the stand, and begin filling it with water, rocks, and sand. I installed the ghost overflows. This was a big tricky to get it sealed. Honestly, I'm not a fan of this overflow and tank setup so far. It's gorgeous, but just not quite vibing for me. So I may do a new Anemone tank down the road with another corner overflow. The large overflow volume gives me more security for a tank filled with anemones. Anyways, I added some more Turbostart bacteria and a Seachem Ammonia badge, in addition to regular testing.

After about a week, I aquascaped and added 2 of my clowns. Plus, I found an old Orbit Marine LED that will work as a temporary light.

Coming Soon:
Finalize Plumbing, including gate valve
Add better Lights
Move Anemones
Setup ATO
Build Canopy
Build a beautiful furniture-grade skin to install onto the stand.
Update! I replaced the oversized orbit marine lights with an XR15 Pro. Meanwhile, I added a piece of clear acrylic over the top in order to prevent jumpers... including the snails which seem to prefer the top of the tank and have no problems crawling over the edge and falling on the floor.


Then, I added all the anemones; 5 Chicago Sunburst BTAs, 3 Alien Eye BTAs, and 3 Rainbow BTAs. I didn't want to add the anemones this quickly, but due to timing, I unfortunately had to move everything quickly. So I also moved all the Flower Anemones, Rock Anemone, various mushrooms, and a couple corals. The BTAs are super stressed, but holding on.

Meanwhile, I also added a gate valve to the sump, and I was able to dial in the overflow so it is much quieter! I also added a protein skimmer to the sump, but it unfortunately doesn't quite fit well, so enjoy the leaning tower until I can get a larger sump.

Coming Soon:
Setup ATO
Install Anemone guard on overflow
Add Pods
Build Canopy
Upgrade to a larger sump
Build a beautiful furniture-grade skin to install onto the stand
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I've added the ATO. Its not much in terms of complexity; just a simple float valve connected to a water reservoir. To make the reservoir, I've followed my old recipe of:
1) buy a clear plastic tote,
2) Lay down a vertical strip of painters tape
3) Paint the exterior of the tub and lid (dark blue) in order to block light from getting in and promoting phototrophic growth.
4) Remove the painters tape, creating a viewing window to determine water level at a quick glance.

The ATO size was determined by estimating the results of failure in the ON position with a full tank. If I were to dump an entire reservoir into the tank, how low would salinity drop. I'll make a separate post for the calculations later to dive into the details, but this equates to about 9.5% of system volume.

I also added some egg crate to serve as a simple anemone guard to the overflow. The last thing I want is a BTA to wander upwards and fully block the sole overflow on this tank. (i'll post the photo of this when I get home)

I've also added the pods already, but I'm going to prep and upload the videos, so you should see those in a few days.

Also, i'm QT'ing a handful of corals in this tank that I dont fully trust to put into my main reef yet. Its all a work-in-progress. It may not look great now, but hopefully it will within the next 1-2 months.
Coming Soon:
Add Pods
Build Canopy
Upgrade to a larger sump
Build a beautiful furniture-grade skin to install onto the stand


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How are all the nems getting along? Post some more pics of them when they are not so stressed!
Will do! Ill keep this post updated, even though the contest is over.

They all got along well in the last 5 tanks ive mixed them in. They are happily fluffing up now, but i dislike the LED colors at the moment. Still, ill post some photos
I haven't really spent enough time or money to get good at photography yet. But here are a few photos of the tank.

Sunburst BTA
Flame Tip BTA
Rainbow BTA
Flower Nem
Rock Nem
OG Bounce
Sunkist Bounce
Iceberg Bounce
Gonzo Golden Dragon
Forest Fire Rhodactis
Rainbow Yuma

...as well as some photosynthetic sponges and various critters, and a few other random mushrooms and corals.

Its hard to tell from the photos, but i currently have 6 sunbursts, which can each open up to a size of 8-14" across. Im waiting for them to double up one more time before selling them.

Chicago Sunbursts do have the ability to shift their color. Some people claim this is a myth, and is attributed only to differences in lighting. However, having several in the same tank, with the same lights, i have witnessed (on multiple occasions) one change color phase for x days/weeks while others dont. Currently, mine are all in their 'yellow' color phase. This is most common in my tanks, but i had friends in Chicago that were more often in their 'orange' phase. This is where i believe lighting and environmental factors influence phenotypic expression.

...its also funny how they always group together. Whereas Rainbow BTAs always spread apart. Awesome nem! I love em.
Sometimes bubbletip anemones will create bubbles. Othertimes, they will have straight tentacles. And sometimes they will change or do both.

Heres an example of both expressions simultaneously.