
It's upsetting to see considering their mission statement of "who we are"...

All their SPS are infested, not like a few, like full blown infestation

But I have to give it to them, it truly is WSYIWYG, no surprises there, super clear photos.
Hello there. It is true our photos are really WYSIWYG. We have since treated the SPS tanks, but have not updated the photos yet. I am sorry that you saw the bugs on the site. As you know, dealing with pests is a constant battle in our hobby. We will be fixing the photos in the very near future.

At the time the photos were taken we did not realize we had the flat worms. For what it's worth, you do indeed really now know our photos are real and not altered in any way :)
civics14;1077789 wrote: It's upsetting to see considering their mission statement of "who we are"...

All their SPS are infested, not like a few, like full blown infestation

But I have to give it to them, it truly is WSYIWYG, no surprises there, super clear photos.


Do you really think they know we they had red bugs and still choose to post pics like this?

Realistically every reefer will undoubtedly find themselves with critter infestation at one point or another no matter how vigilant one is. Red bugs being easily one of the most common among them assuming you house SPS.

LFS are almost certain to have them multiple times over hobbyist at the constant state of new introductions straight from the source, ocean.

I personally think the response of the store owner in these particular situations are more important. This one, well, immediate ownership and attention. Further proof to the wysiwyg photos. :yay:

Phil, never met you nor shopped with you but pm me if you are having problems in the future. I have a fairly healthy stock of "cure".

philciccone;1077850 wrote: Hello there. It is true our photos are really WYSIWYG. We have since treated the SPS tanks, but have not updated the photos yet. I am sorry that you saw the bugs on the site. As you know, dealing with pests is a constant battle in our hobby. We will be fixing the photos in the very near future.

At the time the photos were taken we did not realize we had the flat worms. For what it's worth, you do indeed really now know our photos are real and not altered in any way :)

I agree. Pretty stand up of the owner to post a response! Bugs will happen at least hes treating.
Yes, you read that right - upsetting, disagree with me all you want but I'm entitled to my personal and professional opinion. I agree these things are bound to happen but when you make a claim as a business that you quarantine and take all precautions until it's ready to be sold, then post a picture of what is for sale that is clearly not ready to be sold, it's upsetting. Take that as you will.

As far as it happening, mistakes and exceptions are bound to happen to anyone, it's how you respond to it. I hope Phils team took the time to research of any SPS sold during this outbreak reached a reefers tank and offered up remedies.

And... It's been two days since I posted this, website is still reflecting the red bugs... Maybe take it down?
civics14;1078132 wrote: Yes, you read that right - upsetting, disagree with me all you want but I'm entitled to my personal and professional opinion. I agree these things are bound to happen but when you make a claim as a business that you quarantine and take all precautions until it's ready to be sold, then post a picture of what is for sale that is clearly not ready to be sold, it's upsetting. Take that as you will.

As far as it happening, mistakes and exceptions are bound to happen to anyone, it's how you respond to it. I hope Phils team took the time to research of any SPS sold during this outbreak reached a reefers tank and offered up remedies.

And... It's been two days since I posted this, website is still reflecting the red bugs... Maybe take it down?

Might I ask you what's your experience on taking care for acropora species and which are the species you take care for?
Does it matter? I'm commenting on their business model that they claim on how it sets them apart from other e-tailers. You trying to degrade my opinion based upon experience of caring for acropora coral is pointless, if you want to talk to me about customer service and a business's response to an error on their behalf. Let's hear it.
civics14;1078135 wrote: Does it matter? I'm commenting on their business model that they claim on how it sets them apart from other e-tailers. You trying to degrade my opinion based upon experience of caring for acropora coral is pointless, if you want to talk to me about customer service and a business's response to an error on their behalf. Let's hear it.
It matters, and more as you might think, to give a fair opinion of a business and their procedures for caring, acclimating, selecting, quarantine cycles, and treatment I believe you've given your personal and professional opinion in what you actually know, that's why my question and I'll ask you again, what's your experience?

I've read many articles from the oldest hobbyist, and not to flaunting or showing off nothing, I'm just a follower of some of the more respectable reefers, wish I can attend to more of their expositions but my limited time.
I have met really experienced people here, I have met our beloved member (RIP) Dave "Acroholic", I have met Jesse, and many other people that always express and share their knowledge to their friends, proof is what you can read in their postings every time they share that. But honestly, I can't remember them blaming someone for acquiring a coral that they could have inspected previously to make a purchase... In other words it's hard to give them an suspicious named coral or an infected one.

So just wondering to know your experience, your fair, professional and personal opinion about caring for hardy corals?

Let's make a business do their practices, if I don't like something they won't take my money, as easy as that.
I'm not the owner of this business that makes a claim that was clearly not follow throughed with. So you attacking me on experience with hardy corals is moot point.

So please go on about your business trying to attack me because my experience with corals isn't as long as so and so or yours.

One last thing - I was simply calling to the attention of a major issue to protect other reefers in this community but clearly reefers like yourself doesn't welcome a heads up of a potential problem to your tank.
civics14;1078149 wrote: Can a mod delete or lock this thread? Antonio if you want to continue your discussion with me, do it through PM.
Not necessary. Love to discuss with the people who has a great attitude towards business, reefers, beginners etc. Thank you.

I'm another hand, and as I've stated before, I might not be an expert yet or might not be as good as the rest of the people here, but like I said, if in doubt I would just take my money away and let them do their thing, others might learn the hard way, probably.
I have personally visited Aquatic Playground and talked extensively with Phil. I can make this statement free and clear.....I did not see any redbugs or any other type of pests during my visit and he had plenty of frags holding in his tank. Phil and his business are straight up and while the original pictures were a mistake...they aren't dated so you don't know if they were from a year ago when he started his grow out or if they were from 2 months ago (BTW...I've been there in the last 2 months).

Pointing out the issue is one thing, to continually blast and pick at the Sponsor is something entirely different. You've made your opinion known and the Sponsor has stated their position. I'm willing to bet that you could visit any sponsor right now and find an issue within their system (I can think of 2 right off the bat).

As a BOD, I'm now closing this thread. Enough is enough!