5 dollar frags.


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I picked up 3 frags today. Also a brittle star and a condi. But the frags are broken pieces of corals that my lfs ordered and they arrived broken. I know one is a pink birdsnest but not sure about the other. I paid 5 bucks for them. So I can't be too bad off with them but I'm gonna post pics in a second
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The second two are the same species. The mother coral was somewhere between red and pink. And looked like a birdsnest except thicker "branches". Any ideas what it could be......

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Curtismaximus;941623 wrote: What store are you getting this stuff from?

This is from noahs ark. I know them all very well so they give me discounts on just about everything. Lol been going there for 17 plus years. I do freshwater tanks also. That's where my background is but since I've been using them for years they just hook me up with stuff. Every friday I go up there when the new shipment comes in. I get most things for what they pay and then if corals and such break off he holds the pieces for me until he knows they are gonna survive and I get them for dirt cheap.
jtsreef;941627 wrote: That condi might not be a good idea.. if you have fish come uo missing look to him first

I will keep the in mind. He is very active. He's already moved across the 6 foot tank. Lol he steered clear of my bubble tip and went around it but if I notice him stealing my fish he'll be rehomed. But I've seen many people with success keep g them so I figured is give it a shot. He had been at the store for about 2 months now so I got him for 3 bucks
kstyle13;941634 wrote: I will keep the in mind. He is very active. He's already moved across the 6 foot tank. Lol he steered clear of my bubble tip and went around it but if I notice him stealing my fish he'll be rehomed. But I've seen many people with success keep g them so I figured is give it a shot. He had been at the store for about 2 months now so I got him for 3 bucks

I was one that kept one with no problems. But I have heard and seen people post the opposite
Yup. That's what it is. I have target fed all the corals and anenomes. They all seemed to love the zoo blast and brine shrimp. I thawed the brine shrimp and put them in a turkey baster as squirted them in front of each. The anenomes took it and gobbled it up. Quite an exciting thing to watch. The corals seemed to take it but it's hard to tell which some of their tentacles being so small. But nonetheless it was exciting to watch. :)
That's my plan. To target feed it well and hopefully there won't be any issues. Lol
LOL.. You assume that your nem knows that he is not being fed well and then decided to go after your fish. "Ummm.. I am hungry.. That angel looks tasty!!" This is not how it works. Your nem can not see the fish. It has no idea you are keeping it with other fish. Hell, your BTA does not know that there is even a clown that is there. It has no self awareness. NONE. So you feeding it well has no bearing on if it will eat a fish you do not want it to. The are opportunistic. Plain and simple. Fish swims in, nem knows it is a foreign body, nem stings, if lucky nem disorientates fish long enough to get a few more stings in, nem eats. The nem is not going to NOT sting a fish just because it ate the night before.
Lol I know that. My hope is that by feeding him regularly he will not go all over the tank in search of food. Thus giving my a fish a better awareness to stay away. Not to make sure he doesn't eat my fish. Basically if he gets a fish then he will have to go. But I won't know if he can be kept without incident unless I try. With so many mixed reviews out there on whether they can be good or not it's hit or miss. Either he's ok or he's not. But without giving him a try there's no way of knowing. It's not like a frog or lionfish where you know right off the bat they can't go in. Lol if that makes any sense....
Nems, in my experience of keeping them for almost 20 years now, do not wonder in "search of food" as in protein based food. They wonder for light, flow, and in some cases safety. They are pre-programmed to find suitable homes based on their needs. Light being the most important. Thus your condy should stay at the bottom of a brightly lit tank. Flow is important as a method of waste explosion and nutrient absorption. (Yes, that is right. All nems to my knowledge absorb nutrients from the water) While there is also a thinking that a nem might position itself in a position that it believes it may catch a protein snack from time to time, this is not a primary method of feeding. The third reson is safety. Especially with BTAs, a nem feels the need to protect its foot. This is the most vital part of the nem. So in the case of BTAs, they will usually find a rubble pile to bury their foot in. If that is not awailable, their second choice appears to be the underside of a rock. As a last option it will be a darkened area that does not have much (if any light) and little flow. With other Nems it is placing their foot under the sand that makes them feel safe.

In all of these factors, you feeding the nem has very little influence on if it stays where it is. With the exception of finding a protein based snack, which is a very small factor. Plus, the nem does not remember yesterday or last week. It does not remember that you fed it. It assesses the conditions at the time and if the factors are met it stays, if they are not it moves. It is not a higher functioning being.

I am not saying not to feed your nem. Just do not think that he is thanking you for it, staying put because of it, or wont eat your fish because of it.