Hey all, I hve a 55gal with some fishie and lr only
1 Dottyback
2 yellow tail damsel
1 blue green chromie
1 flame angel
1 Coral banded Shrimp
1 nemo
1 choc chip star
some hermit crabs
some snails
I trying to decide what to add to the tank next. But i am looking for something fairly hardy since within the next year we will be moving and going to a bigger set up.
Would idealy like something larger in size to go in the tank but also get along with everyone else in there.
This tank so far has been awesome, and would really like to keep it that way.. Any suggestions would be grateful
1 Dottyback
2 yellow tail damsel
1 blue green chromie
1 flame angel
1 Coral banded Shrimp
1 nemo
1 choc chip star
some hermit crabs
some snails
I trying to decide what to add to the tank next. But i am looking for something fairly hardy since within the next year we will be moving and going to a bigger set up.
Would idealy like something larger in size to go in the tank but also get along with everyone else in there.
This tank so far has been awesome, and would really like to keep it that way.. Any suggestions would be grateful