6.28.2022 BoD Meeting 7:00 pm Zoom
Attendees: Justin Cook, Doug Lockett, Bridgett Bass, Adam Nitschke, Jeremy Gilley, David Foster, Hai Nguyen, Brian Cook
I. Mileage Reimbursement
Attendees: Justin Cook, Doug Lockett, Bridgett Bass, Adam Nitschke, Jeremy Gilley, David Foster, Hai Nguyen, Brian Cook
I. Mileage Reimbursement
- David and Justin doing a lot of Par readings for members
- Also fo 6/9/2022 Per IRS .62 cents per mile
- Put up on Forum for officer discussion
- Gift-cheaper to print them embroider
- Cut into Christmas budget to pay for gift
- Motion to buy gift-passed by all 7 members
- Work with sponsors for items for gift bags
- Local event in works for October-should we do that instead of ARC Swap/Sale?
- Same vendors we would use only a few weeks apart
- ARC to work with vendors to do the local event (details still being worked out)
- Save ARC money?
- Location has plenty of parking
- ARC member volunteer to help?
- Medical Plaza still know known reopen date
- Decatur Church worked out great plus it was free
- Justin recused him self Motion to make donation to Church in lieu of rental fee-all agreed motion passed
- Hold Sponsor of the month
- Have raffle for members to post receipts for raffle to that store
- Jeremy can make signs with cricket
- Post in officer discussion