65 to 125 upgrade


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Dear Fellow ARC Members,

I'm going to need all the help I can get.
So, I got this 125 from #seand and Canopy from #n4th3n (but its 180 canopy so it’s kind of too big..)
So....I am leaning towards light fixtures.

So my main concern is the canopy and how to have the lights setup… I really like how #civics14 has his LED and T5 setup.

How #civics14 his LED and T5 Setup
But the Classic AI Rail Kit is no longer available and I don’t know what size fixture will be able to hold LED boxes so I’M Lost!
Can someone please let me know what would be the best economical way to setup lighting for 125?

I am not a high end user and I would like to use my current LED Boxes and add more LED Boxes and T5’s

Lastly for the T5’s do I need to get 4 36in? or 2 60in?? I don’t see 72in around.
Once again best Economical way to run this 125 gallon tank.

Any support would truly be appreciated ^.^
Most of us that have had 72 inch tanks with T5's used 2-36 inch bulbs end to end, to cover the full length of the tank. Then, however many banks you decide on.

As for your LED boxes, without knowing how many you have or will use, what their dimensions & spread/coverage is, it will be hard to comment imo.
Right now i have 2 led box covering 36 inch tank. Same height and depth of the 125.

So I think i will need 2 more led boxes and 4 36in t5s..
Right now i have 2 led box covering 36 inch tank. Same height and depth of the 125.

So I think i will need 2 more led boxes and 4 36in t5s..

If I understand it correctly, it would be the same amount/intensity of light per unit length of tank. That sounds reasonable.
All the flat & Angle aluminum can be purchased at Home Depot or Lowe’s. The T slots I purchased online from whoever had the cheapest price at the time along with the pieces that go in to the track. Grommets and hardware were purchased from Lowe’s as well. It wasn’t too difficult as I drew it all out before cutting anything. What does your canopy look like?
You can get the aluminium tubing and parts from 80/20 or from Eztube

I got mine from Eztube. I sent them a drawing with all the dimensions I needed and they created a full parts list for me. I wanna say it was a couple hundred for everything but mine was built to go over a 72x24 220 tank.

For the T5's I went with 60" 80w bulbs and it seems to work fine.
OK now for the real work...
its time to move my 65 out of the way and place the 125..
can anyone lend me some totes in advance so i can get more water ready??
I live in Suwanee

also can anyone tell me the light hours for T5 and LED Hybrid??
I currently made my T5 LED and I dont know what hours I have to set to.
normally for Just LED Boxes I had 10 hours on blue and 3 hours white/Blue.
Took me 3 days to get this done... wow....
looking good~~ tho! need a refugium.... my current sump is too small no room for Refugium..
any ideas?? I'm all ears~~
special thanks to Jin for the 55gallon Brute and Hui #Hzheng33 for help with the move and ideas! couldn't have it done without you guys.

all the life stock has made it and doing well!

got to work on the aquascape this weekend.

Looking good. Not sure what you want out of a refugium, but if you are only really looking for extra nitrate absorption using chaeto, then you can buy or make a chaeto reactor. They sell them on Marine Depot and BRS. Or search youtube and you can find plenty. They are very simple and will fit pretty much anywhere.
Looking good. Not sure what you want out of a refugium, but if you are only really looking for extra nitrate absorption using chaeto, then you can buy or make a chaeto reactor. They sell them on Marine Depot and BRS. Or search youtube and you can find plenty. They are very simple and will fit pretty much anywhere.

Thank you so much!!
New project! Time to make chaeto reactor!