7.19.2022 BoD Meeting 7:00 pm Zoom
Attendees: Justin Cook, Doug Lockett, Bridgett Bass, Adam Nitschke, David Foster, Hai Nguyen, Brian Cook
I. Tax Status
Attendees: Justin Cook, Doug Lockett, Bridgett Bass, Adam Nitschke, David Foster, Hai Nguyen, Brian Cook
I. Tax Status
- Accountant to reach out to Raj and verify trust
- Adam to call accountant with Raj’s information
- Everything entered into quickbooks
- Buy more?
- Cheaper to buy 1000?
- Justin motioned to buy stickers, Adam Second all attendee’s voted yes motion passed
- Jeremy can use wife’s cricket 6 signs for 125
- Long term will vinyl hold up?
- 4 signs at Signorama printer for 150
- print arrows on signs instead of separate arrows?
- Adam motion to spend up to 250 on signs from Signorama David second Doug third all attendee’s voted yes motion passed
- Raffle item for members- apex or hydros?
- Forgo our September meeting to participate in Spike’s show October 1st
- Talk to Glenn about our role in the show before proceeding with raffle and members entry fee’s
- David will reach out to the 2 new members that want to volunteer
- David Bridgett and Justin to reach out to vendors for supporting member gift
- Have it at the church in Decatur, free and plenty of room