7.25.23 BOD Meeting Minutes


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ARC Meeting started 7:30PM 7/25/23

Attendees: Justin Cook, David Foster, Doug Lockett, Adam Nitschke, Bridget Bass

  • Pico tank build meeting - suggested by @dball711. The board likes the idea and @jcook54 will follow up.
  • Frag Bash - We do not have as many donated items from vendors as last year. A vote to spend $500 for the purchase of additional items for the Frag Bash raffle passed.
  • ARC Forum management move - @Gabridge83 to follow up with Leo to establish date that he can be available for the cutover. The website move date is the last piece of information needed to send an ARC email blast to make sure all members are notified of the upcoming change.
  • @Adam brought up the need to ensure the dates for old important threads are corrected before the move. One example is Acroholics' old but still highly relevant thread on Calcium reactors. Also Bobby Hodges thread on @Adam and @jcook54 to verify post dates are showing correctly and if not determine if we can correct.
  • Fall ARC meeting - We have a potential venue in Roswell (Big Fish Custom Acrylic Aquariums) brought to the board by @scuba steve. @Cook has visited and likes the location. @jcook54 will contact separately to agree and confirm.
  • Christmas Party - Working date at the moment is December 9th, 2023. @jcook54 will check on reserving the church for this date.

Next meeting set for August 8th 2023.
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