8.16.2022 BoD Meeting 7:00 pm Zoom
Attendees: Justin Cook, Doug Lockett, Bridgett Bass, Adam Nitschke, Austin Trizzino, David Foster, Hai Nguyen, Brian Cook, Jeremy Gilley
I. Frag Bash
Meeting closed at 8:21pm Next Meeting 9.1.2022
Attendees: Justin Cook, Doug Lockett, Bridgett Bass, Adam Nitschke, Austin Trizzino, David Foster, Hai Nguyen, Brian Cook, Jeremy Gilley
I. Frag Bash
- Raffle $1 a ticket and supporting members get 10 tickets?
- Not a club meeting, additional ideas
- Idea of checking in at gate not good
- Doing a drawing at the event?
- Do random number generator like MACNA
- $500 gift card for supporting members to LFS of choice Adams seconds all agree motions pass
- $100 gift card to winning members
- Do a video and zoom session afterwards for questions, everyone agrees
- Get sticker made for the store window to let ARC members know?
- Look for volunteers
- Look to have structure to meetings
- Brian asked about constitution and bylaws; reach out to DFW clubs for assistance
- GA Aquarium? Donation benefits the club
- Start thread about experience
- Bridgett to send receipts to repay Bridgett for postage of sending tickets out
- See how Spikes event goes
- Fall easier for next board
- Avoid Reefaploosa and Aquashella
Meeting closed at 8:21pm Next Meeting 9.1.2022