8.8.2023 BOD Meeting Minutes


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ARC Meeting started 7:30PM 8.8.2023

Attendees: Leo Maguire, Brandi Woods, Justin Cook, David Foster, Doug Lockett, Adam Nitschke, Bridget Bass, and Brian Cook

  • Xenforo has been given access to the website in preparation for the move. @lmm1967 and @jcook54 will be online for the transfer. Users may experience intermittent delays during 8am-4pm and there could be some data lost (new post activity) on the day of the move.

  • We need to copy the Wordpress site into the forum temporarily. @jcook54, @civics14, @Adam

  • @Adam to talk to @lmm1967 about the script for creating a supporting member list for meetings. The current script to pull this information may not work after the move. Membership cards will not be available due to being an old custom add on.

  • Frag Bash - August 26th- Additional raffle items ordered to bolster what we have already received from other vendors.
  • Fall ARC Meeting - We have a potential venue in Roswell (Big Fish Custom Acrylic Aquariums) @jcook54 to schedule a visit to confirm. Date still needs to be determined.
  • Christmas Party - December 9th, 2023 - @jcook54 has reserved the church for this date. Food TBD.

Next meeting Tuesday August 29th.
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