80g shallow fts

Nickh06;1035178 wrote: Very cool mark! How many lbs of rock is that?
there's round 18lbs in the tank and 25lbs or so in the sump.

hzheng33;1035182 wrote: What's the dimensions of the tank?
48x24x16.im letting coralline algae cover the back and sides so it will make it look deeper.

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fraustdemon;1035188 wrote: I really like the rock piling on the right. Great looking tank!

thank you.
Man you're going so much faster than I am. Ha. I have 1 small fish and rock in there;)

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SnowManSnow;1035955 wrote: Man you're going so much faster than I am. Ha. I have 1 small fish and rock in there;)

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everything was moved over from my other tank.if I started from scratch it would be a lot slower.

SnowManSnow;1035956 wrote: What lights

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here's alittle tank info.ati sunpower 6bulb,80g deepblue rimless,40g breeder sump 3 section low flow,bubble magus dosing pump,jbj ato,bubbleking mini 160 skimmer,hydor powerhead in sump to kkep things from sitting,huge brittle star in overflow my overflow is spotless.i still plug and unplug my lights everyday.i do waterchanges when needed.i keep a small bioload so I can be lazy.feed 4times a day.i dose fuel,2part reef energy,vinager or vodka whatever I have at the time.fish flame wrasse pair,scopas tang,pair of clowns,african cleaner wrasse.i try to keep it simple and spend the least amount of money and time as I can maintaining the tank.i don't want this to be a job but a hobby.