9.1.2022 BOD Meeting Minutes


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9.1.2022 BoD Meeting 7:00 pm Zoom
Attendees: Justin Cook, Doug Lockett, Bridgett Bass, Adam Nitschke, David Foster, Hai Nguyen, Brian Cook, Jeremy Gilley

I. Dinks Aquatics
  • They do giveaways, 10% discount up to Dinks to regulate supporting and non supporting members
  • Helps fill whole left by Heizenburg
  • Justin motions to make Dinks a sponsor, David seconds, motion passes
II. Frag Bash
  • Justin,Doug and Brian will be there Jeremy can’t 100% commit but will keep us updated
  • Someone work ARC table another the raffle tables
  • Have people take pictures and video for instagram and forum
III. Frag Bash Raffle
  • Vendors for raffle items: Vendors at event, Hanna Instruments, Bulk Reef Supply, Fritz, Brightwell, MarinePure, working on other contacts such as Polyplabs
  • $2 a ticket $10 for 6 and $20 for 15
  • Raffle is fundraiser for ARC, dry run for potential expo, need to get change maybe use square?
IV. T-shirts
  • $60-120 to make designs
  • See if we can link Customer Ink or Printify to website for members to order
  • Try to have some for Frag Bash
V. Fish Trap
  • Medium $60 on Amazon
  • Cheap and great benefit for being a supporting member
  • Motion passed to order 1 fish trap for members to use

Meeting closed Next Meeting 9.21.2022