9.26.2023 BOD Meeting Minutes


Staff member
Reaction score
Meeting started at 7:30PM 9/26/23

Attendees: Justin Cook, David Foster, Adam Nitschke, Bridget Bass, and Brian Cook

  • Next ARC participating event - October 21, 2023 - Premier Aquatics BBQ - This event is hosted by Premier Aquatics who is sponsoring approximately $2000 in raffle items. We plan to have a supporting member signup at the event so please stop by. More details to be announced soon!

  • Elections - Officer nominations are open for Supporting members. We have postponed the elections in the past to December from November. We are reviewing options to move this year's voting process to the forum to hold the election in November as required.

  • State of the Club: The Georgia State filing is current. We are seeking a new Accountant for the club.

  • Square: We had issues at the Frag Bash with the readers not connecting to our laptop. @jcook54 to investigate.

  • Website: The old server has been shut down.

  • Constitution and Bylaws - @Adam to create a Forum Node for viewing.

  • Club Donation - Our $5000 donation this year needs to be completed before the end of the year @Gabridge83 has reached out to the Atlanta Aquarium for information on what level of donation is required to still receive Aquarium passes. We are also discussing making a donation to a children's charity.
  • Fallback Security measures - Discussion surrounding ensuring club continuity if any current officer or trustee should be unable to be contacted due to illness, abrupt resignation, or accident. We will investigate a third party resource.

Next Meeting October 10th @7:30PM